This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 98

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 98


"I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi spiritual seekers, another day forward on down the road, learning as God would have us learn, sure together and open.  Group hugs as we get ready for another step closer to enlightenment on the installment plan. I can't say it enough it's so wonderful to have company thank you with all my heart, and now without further ado, let's get to it.



Prayer: - Blessed Father, Almighty God my Creator, waking up is hard to do and I rely on you every step of the way. Please help me to love myself as you do, and to know that no matter what it looks like on the outside, we are all one on the inside because you made us that way. Please help me to learn it's OK to relax and experience, that is why you brought me here. Sometimes. many times, I'm not sure what to do or where to go or who to talk to. Please show me, please teach me. Thank you for guiding me and loving me allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation." - This lesson really gets me to thinking that there's a whole bunch of parts to it. It brings up the questions of what is God's plan for salvation? Who's God? Does he really have a plan and what the heck is salvation? Even though I've been at this course a long time, I still have those kind of thoughts flying around in my head when I think about the plan God has for humanity.  It feels like the plan is at totality, but each part depends on trillions and billions of people running around somewhere doing whatever God has chosen for them to do at any particular time and in any particular fashion.


I do believe that when it comes to the endgame regardless of who's doing what at any given time, the final result is salvation brought about by forgiveness. Whether it's Aunt Harriet forgiving, or George the milkman's forgiving,  or the kids down the street forgiving, or anybody is forgiving, the result is still At-one-ment and how we get there is forgiveness/ erasure of everything. So, as I go forward in this, my acceptance of God's particular design for me, how he would have me be, where he would have me go, who he would have me talk to and in what way is crucial.



Thinking it Over:  This one gets me to thinking about when I'm getting upset with myself or others, about how I'm acting or they're acting, and how nobody is following the plan according to me, then I am definitely in the need of some accepting and forgiving. I've found along the way getting to that place of taking things as they come can be as easy or difficult as I make it. The course teaches us that the body is only used as a communication device, so we can all get the memo the way we most need to hear it. How do you carry the message? What message do you need to hear? Are you listening?



Tips & Tricks: This seems like a really good time to remind ourselves we need to be gentle with ourselves and others, that we are designed as God would have us be, whether we believe it or not and beating ourselves up on 1000 levels in 1000 ways is not gonna help anything, it's just gonna prolong the process, the process that has been going on for trillions of years, I might add. It's such a conundrum you know, we come to earth knowing the plan, forgetting the plan, covering up the plan, erasing the plan and waking up to whom you started out as in the first place, the Son of God. so breathe easy and just know God's got it no matter what it is, or how weird it seems on the surface, especially when you don't think He does.


Upon Closing: -  This was a kinda tricky one, it felt good and a little quirky all at the same time. It seems getting to that place where I can accept God's plan is harder work than I anticipated, and I was really grateful for the company. I think it's time to kick backing and have a nice dip in the creek and remember everything happens in God's time anyway. Have a gentle day and an awesome night you guys, see you again tomorrow.

 Love and light Riki 🌈

Sunday, December 11, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 97

A Course in Miracles

 Workbook Lesson 97 

"I am spirit"


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Welcome my sweet and blessing buddies, it's just so much fun and I truly do look forward to hanging out. We are just walking down that road, just chit chatting and talking about the lesson and time goes by and before you know it we're down at the end of the bridge and it's time to fly back up and have a sit for a while.


I remember how lonely doing the course could feel. I had been on the path for about 30 years before my teacher showed up, and I finally had someone to really learn from and share it with. So when it came time for me to teach, and do this blog  of my interpretation of the lessons, this is why I chose the format I did, because I don't want anyone when they're doing the lessons to feel alone. That here I go stepping into this great big universe, and I don't have anyone there for me. I hope you've learned by now that I'm here for you, that we climb this mountain together. So, a big group hug my pretties and let's just move on down that road.


Prayer: - Blessed God, my Creator, I don't know you very well, but now that my mind is being decluttered and not filled with all that junk, I'm starting to know and be grateful you stuck around. I guess it's kind of funny to say sticking around, because we're made from you, so where could we go where you are not. Blessed and Holy Spirit please help me to get closer to you and to be the teacher you have made me to be. Thank you, Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "I am spirit" - When I think of this lesson it's like kinda coming at the previous one but from a different angle. The previous one talks about salvation coming from who we truly are and this one is telling me all we can be is spirit because that's all there is, everything else is an illusion. I get so much hope from this, and many times I have thought that all I am is just this little piece of something down here and I feel so lost and helpless, and this really helps to open my being to recognize that who I am is one with God. The freedom this brings just fills me right up, and I feel more connected to the Christ Consciousness and know I am never alone, because there is no separation.



Thinking it Over:  It reminds me of when I was growing up there was just me and my brother and outside the house my dad had brought this great big mound of dirt and we were little and loved it so much. I could make so many wonderful things, houses, roads, people, and animals sometimes out of the sand. It was still all the dirt regardless of whether I said this is a house, and this is a road it was still all on the stand and that's how I see us when I think of we're all spirit. We are all the dirt regardless of the shape or implied function. This one looks like that, or that one looks like that. We're all made of the same stuff from  the Wholly Spiritual universe God gave us to play in. What have you made from the dirt in your sandbox?



Tips & Tricks: Today's tip is about going back around and remembering what brought me to the course in the first place, and what motivates me to move forward. Because I found along the way that if I don't have some motivation, I won't do it. It's hard to make the commitment every day to do a lesson, and at certain times of the day to remember to do the suggested part. It takes motivation and conviction to want to do it, and especially when my mind is screaming this is stupid, this isn't right, and I just wanna burn the book and run. So, it's a really good practice to every once in a while, every month or so, or more frequently if I'm getting frustrated. To re-examine why I'm here and why I do this, because as my mind gets more ordered and I come more into clarity and sanity my motives change.

I can remember when I first got involved with the course my motives for doing it were just more about looking for a way out. I felt in my gut that this was a book that could help me get there, but I wasn't sure where there was, I just knew where here was, and here sucked. So, I've hit many different phases along the way and when I start feeling like I don't wanna do it, I just don't wanna do it, then it's a good time to remember, and if I have forgotten come up with another good reason why I do.


Upon Closing: - Well we did it one more day, one more lesson, and a little further down the road. This was a good one, the birds were singing, I could feel that beautiful coolish breeze on my face, and my buddies panting at my side, it doesn't get any better than that. Have an awesome day, a restful night and we'll see you again real soon.    Love and Light, Riki🌈

Friday, December 9, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 96

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 96


"Salvation comes from my one Self."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi my workbook buddies, I am back again inviting you to move on down the road with me in as graceful a fashion as I can in raw and bleeding bare feet. I got lost in the pucker brush for a while and the thorns and prickers pretty near ended me, and not in a good way. I learned a very valuable lesson, "when someone is mirroring for you, pay attention as quick and thorough as you can so you can get to the miracle hiding inside" as expedient as possible.  I also missed those yummy group hugs and atta girls. Today let's make our romp down the lane into  a "worst fears" costume party and dress up as our worst fears come to life. Mine is the whole of the donut, being not seen and not heard, being nothing and completely abandoned. What is yours? Big group hug and tally ho, onward and ever upward.



Prayer: Blessed Wholly Spirit, please help me to see things differently, please grant me the strength to release and forgive no matter what, no matter how horrible or justified I feel. Please help me to feel valued when I feel worthless, to feel beautiful when I feel broken, to feel seen and loved when I feel invisible and abandoned. As I feel your love I learn to love myself, and know you didn't make a mistake. Please show me how to accept my own innocence and not judge myself and others. Please strip me of this little self I have made, whether I bleed or not, whether I cry or not, whether I die or not. Thank you for teaching me and guiding me. I'm sorry for screaming in your ear. Thank you for loving me allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "Salvation comes from my one Self."- This is a beautiful lesson that reminds me that my way home is from listening to the one true voice of Self, the Consciousness of Christ. That my little distorted mind self is focused and concerned with body, and the eyes of the body see only conflict and separation, because of the things I believe and the thoughts I tell myself. This lesson clearly points to the way out for us, it tells us that the only way to bypass the illusion is through unity, and the release of the little self, and the way out of the little self is stay neutral through forgiveness and acceptance, until we are not " thinking" at all, just being, doing the next right thing God has designed us to do. Also to breathe, experience and enjoy the journey.



Thinking it Over: I know that "breathe and enjoy the journey" sounds like a fairytale ending, and it is much easier said than done. In my over 30 years of going through the Course, the only thing that is consistently working is to ask God to help me release the little self I see myself as every way possible. The one thing that this lesson screams loud and clear is that I can not bring about my own salvation, I was not designed too, and my best delusional thinking got me totally lost and crying for a way out. This is the place where I really started seeing the benefits of working the ACIM workbook as it's laid out, because I can not order my own mind. How are ways you think you can bring about your own salvation?



Tips & Tricks: So, since I brought it up, let's talk more about the ordering process. The Course is laid out in a specific fashion to help us to be brought slowly to a place where we aren't defining and making our own reality anymore. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to step up, strap on our seat belts and enjoy the ride. Just let it happen no matter how it feels or where it takes us. Get into a routine of doing the daily lesson to the best of your ability, doing the daily exercises as they are laid out, and trying to just stick to the routine, the motion of the ocean. For so many years I would define the way I thought I was supposed to do the Course and what it looked like. I thought I was being honest and fearless, but now I truly do know what honest and fearless feels like. What a difference when I just started letting the process do me.


Upon Closing: That was so nice and refreshing, I loved the company and the laughter along the way. I really felt supported and part of this beautiful process. Let's set out a blanket and drink apple cider and eat some cheese and crackers and make cloud pictures again. Have a blessed day and a gentle night, you are a wonderous part of my life, thanks for being here.

 Love & Light, Riki

Thursday, October 20, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 95

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 95


"I am one Self, united with my Creator."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Greetings, it is so nice to have you guys on the journey with me, I know I am slow with my blog entries, it's not cause I am lazy, or am not motivated. Believe it or not I write the message when I feel like it is time to deliver it. I used to beat myself up about it, but I now realize it's all by design, that the messages come through when they most need to. With chuckles, smiles and ferris wheels let's do our big group hug and saddle up for another meander down this road less traveled. I love you guys and enjoy our time together.



Prayer: Blessed Wholly Spirit, please guide me and help me to stay motivated and faithful when the road feels so rocky and I fear I have lost my way. Please grant me your strength and focus to know what I am, and to recognize the game for what it is. When I say what's the use, please remind me that what I am is seeing a distorted version of the truth and let me see the light in all things. Thank you for teaching me and helping me to see this differently. Love Allways.



Workbook Lesson: - "I am one Self, united with my Creator."  - This lesson really brings home the oneness of it all. I have believed deeply ever since I had my "Waking" dream and literally saw myself as a thought in the Mind of God. It was around 2 am and my body's eyes opened, and with my 3rd eye I was able to see the Son of God as a thought in God's mind. The body was able to walk around, but internally I was focused on the oneness of Christ Consciousness. The thing that stood out to me was how quiet and peaceful it was, there was no thinking about this, that, or the other thing, just the simplicity of consciousness. The awareness of that moment still stays with me, and I do feel that unity with all, within God. A few hours after I had gone back to sleep, I was awakened to start my day, I was in a much different space. It was game on, getting up taking care of my bodily needs, thinking about everything. People, places, and things became the order of the day. But the experience has left me with the sense I am never alone, and very aware of the oneness with God.



Thinking it Over: I have noticed as I continue in the awakening process that sometimes there just doesn't seem to be words for what I am trying to express, which makes sense because anything to do with oneness hiding under the illusion of separateness loses a lot in translation. So basically, we are one, but we have this built in distorter when we come below the veil that instantly fractures our perception like a disco ball, but not really. So, it's about reaching past the bendy carnival mirror stuff to the truth. How many fingers am I holding up? What is your distortion? What is your reality?



Tips & Tricks: Biggest tip for today is, go with the flow. I have found that the more I can stay in a place of forgiveness and acceptance the more I feel that all important faith, that lets me know that God is in the results department and I am in the efforts department and all I really need to do is take a chill pill and let the Universe unfold exactly as it is designed to. The more I try and run the show, the more I realize I can't, and the more I get mad at myself because I can't, the more I go into a nasty spiral of littleness that doesn't help anything and usually ends in me beating myself up to the point where a headache is imminent. So. through meditation, remembering to breathe, and the acceptance that God is in His Heaven and all's right with the world goes a long way. Trust, believe, and keep on keepin on.


Upon Closing: Thank you for joining me on another phase of our journey together, I find this lessons crucial, but many times it is illusory and escapes me. Let's head on over to the church social and have some yummy apple pie. Have an awesome time my blessed friends and know we are not alone. Love & Light, Riki🌈

Thursday, September 29, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 94

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 94


"I am as God created me."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hail my Beloved Travel Buddies, it is so wonderful to know I am not alone in this, that there are other seekers like myself and that we all grow together because we are of one mind. It makes it fun to move on down the road with you guys, continuing to learn, question and expand.  So, time for that wonderous big group hug as we make a mad dash for the path to enlightenment.



Prayer: My loving Father, please help me to keep my focus regardless how stupid and chaotic it gets below the veil. Please help me to know the truth and to accept that I am as you have made me, especially when the thoughts in my mind tell me otherwise. Please help me to see that it is possible to still be experiencing the role you would have me play and be awakened to the Christ Consciousness of which I am. May your Wholly Spirit guide me every step of the way and to realize it is all in your plan. Thank you for teaching us, Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "I am as God created me." – For me this is one of those subtle little lessons that has spoken volumes to me. I have learned over the years to become a real expert at self-condemnation, beating and putting myself down for everything, believing myself to be "lower than whale shit". So, to stumble on (not by accident) this lesson was a miracle all in itself. I have always believed in God, in some way shape or form and most of my life have truly thought, I had let God down. I have never really been sure how or why, I just knew that I had screwed up a lot and God was putting up with me the best He could. So, to realize God made me this way, that there is nothing wrong with me, and I am exactly as designed, has been a big load off my heart and mind. I had been taught to look at things in a screwy way, but it didn't mean I was screwy, just the thinking was.



Thinking it Over: This lesson though simple has taken years to get in there, to understand that I have done nothing wrong, and never have and the more I just release, forgive, and accept that as truth, the more I actually see it and believe it. I am amazed how strong the old programming runs through my head though. There are some nights I wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning with such fear and self-hate running through me that I feel lost and confused, and sometimes can't even feel God. But as I relax and ask the Wholly Spirit to help me see things differently, I do feel the peace of God and am comforted. How do you get to the other side of fear and judgement?



Tips & Tricks: When I think about another tidbit that has served me well, the idea of "getting still" comes to mind. I find that is much as I can just remember that I am in unreality and that it is all illusion, and then go that extra mile to start thinking about the "Christ Consciousness" that I truly am, the judgements I have made on myself start going away and I begin to remember the truth of that I am exactly as I am supposed to be, because God made me this way. Sometimes I will tell myself that I am confused and I don't really know what is going on, but God does and it truly is OK.


Upon Closing: Another awesome lesson, one of those touchy feel good ones. It allways leaves me refreshed and happy to be a student of The Course. You guys are definitely my cherry on top, cause we have such exciting adventures and get to play like the little kids we are. The best thing about being as God made me is I can't screw it up, even though I think I can. So, I think I wanna do a little skinny dippen in the creek and just let it all hang out. Last one in is last month's meatloaf. Remember to be gentle, rest well, and enjoy the process.

 Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 93

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 93


"Light and joy and peace abide in me."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi, my study buddies, it is so wonderful to have you in my life, and to know that I get to play with the big kids and enjoy stuff as it is meant to be, and not the hell my distorted thoughts have turned it into. A Course in Miracles is such a pretty name that carries with it a great promise, and I do feel it is exactly what its name says, because I am growing in Spirit and as I do it is so nice to have others to share it with. So, let's have that big group hug I've been waiting for and once again, move on down the road in our comfy fuzzy slippers.



Prayer: Blessed Father, Sometimes I feel like I got this, and I take off down the hill running, and other times, I just feel so lost and confused, please guide me through the confusion and help me to see the light, peace, and joy that I really am. I so want to remember who I am and also to honor you in every step of this process and this awesome adventure you have gone on with me. I love you Father, please help me to grow in that love. Thank you for helping me, thank you for teaching me. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "Light and joy and peace abide in me."  -  This is one of my favorite lessons because it is so gentle and loving and it reminds me what truly does run the show, not bones and blood and flesh, or diplomas or wealth. Sometimes, I clearly and easily believe this, and other times I am so focused on the muck and mire of my illusions that I can't see past much. It's kinda funny, because Light, Joy and Peace certainly abide in me, it just has more to do with where my focus is whether I am in touch with it or not. I think it's important to point out this lesson is not stating that it may, abide in me, or that once a year on my birthday it abides in me, but that it abides in me, allways, period. No debate on who, where when or why, or if it should or shouldn't, because it simply is. Because it IS who I am, it is what I am made of. I also like to remember especially in the Course, when it talks about me, it is talking about the collective, not just I have it and you don't, because I am special and you aren't, or that God loves me best.



Thinking it Over:   Since I am made of Light, and joy and peace, it has really emphasized the need to find those places where I am resistant to releasing the distorted facts that I have based the identity of my little self on and forgiving and forgetting and enjoying the not thinking part. Cause when I am not caught up in the who I think I am, and just allow the true Me as Christ the Son of God to shine through that is when I am in touch with the Light, and joy and peace, which is my birthright. What resistances are preventing you from knowing your birthright, your true identity as the Son of God?



Tips & Tricks: I feel like I have been pushing the ACIM river for so long, it is an absolute pleasure to not fight or assume, or expect things to go a certain way, but just to go with the flow, not define and allow the mind ordering to take me where it does. It's kinda funny, you know when people say, "I lost my mind", As I get more involved with this process, I really do feel like I have literally lost my mind, or a good portion of it. Inside where my head used to be like Grand Central Station, it is now more like a beach in Tahiti. So, this mind ordering stuff works, especially when I just kick back and let it happen.


Upon Closing:  This was a lovely little walk down Spirit Path today, and it felt so good to have company. There is some cold apple cider down by the creek, and I made some yummy biscuits last night. Let's just kick back for a bit and contemplate our inner nature of light, joy and peace. Have a blessed and enjoyable day and a restful night. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Friday, August 12, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 92

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 92


"Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Blessed day my fellow student buddies. I love ACIM and I love sharing my love of it, studying, and experiencing the splendor and artistry of it together. There is a sense of community when it comes to the Course that really helps me blossom. This workbook lesson brings out so much happiness I can't wait to get started down the path today. Big group hug and our best foots forward moving like we knew God was guiding our every step, because It is. We can have this as "fuzzy slipper day", it will make everything just that little bit more yummy. Hugs all around.



Prayer: Blessed Wholly Spirit, please help me to awaken and please guide me every step of the way, many times I get so confused and start beating up on myself for no apparent reason at all. I just become overwhelmed with self-hate and rage sometimes and I have a hard time feeling you at all. Please during those times help me to know I am not alone, even though I feel very alone and unloved. Thank you for teaching me to know the truth and guiding me to at – one – ment. You are with us allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one."


This brings me to thinking about the strength of God, and how I see strength. I see strength as the ability to handle anything, anytime, anywhere, and it makes me feel warm and fluffy to realize that God's light also brings that sense of confidence within me of all things. Like the expression I grew up with, "God's in His Heaven and all's right with the world." In the process of my searching for "The Truth" I came to see light in many ways, like a magical energy that permeates everything, but I can't really see it or comprehend it, I can only sense it in an undefinable flowing sort of way. So, to know that the strength I feel within, is God, helps me know I am doing it "right" after all, that God really didn't forget me and that I really am loved after all.



Thinking it Over: So, what this is basically saying to me is when I feel strong, I am in the light of God, and I am connected to miracles. Probably overly simplified a tad, but just to know that I can receive miracles is one itself. When I get deep into a beating myself up session, I get so disheartened and feel so little and helpless, and truly screwed up, the last thing I believe I can have is a much needed breath of fresh air. That complete and total change in attitude that brings a beautiful shift and lots more light. Where do you see the miracles? Where do you need the light?



Tips & Tricks: My biggest tip for today, is to go with the flow no matter what. No matter how you feel, no matter what you think, no matter how uncomfortable it gets, no matter how scared you get, just hang in and know God's got it, God's allways got it and all is well. Just allowing yourself to be, will make all the difference in the world and out of it. Most of what I find myself dealing with is old programming, the identity I have given myself, so as much as I can dissolve that identity through releasing resentments and forgiving, the sooner I start becoming aware of who I truly am, the Christ Consciousness within me. The Course will work your mind itself if you let it, by just hanging in there and keepin on keepin on.


Upon Closing: What a wonderful sweet, little cushy journey down that pretty road. I allways feel so refreshed and filled with our love. I think a quick dunk in the creek is just what is called for now, or maybe paddling downstream in a canoe and remembering the beauty of God in all things, and smile. Have a gentle and restful day and a peaceful night, love & Light, Riki 🌈

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 91

A Course in Miracles  Workbook Lesson 91

"Miracles are seen in light."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi my happy and excited buddies, expanding and awakening the mind is one of the last horizons and greatest most exciting journeys we can go on. Remember, that is why we were created to explore and experience. I have found this path so profound now that I am starting to not fight the adventure and beat myself up for everything that happens and just simply enjoy it, knowing that El is with me every step of the way. Seeing your shining faces and sparkling eyes makes me so glad we walk together, my precious fellow students. Big group hugs and on with the enjoyment of living as we once again ease on down the road.



Prayer: Dear God, My Blessed Father, please fill me with your light, there is so much I can not see, so many ways I feel alone in the dark and need your help to feel loved and ok. Please grant me the acceptance I can not find for myself. Thank You. I know the way you designed me was to explore and not be in touch with truly who I am, I want so to remember, to release this world and all it's many parts and know only you. I love you Father, I adore you Father, and I seek only the Oneness for eternity. Thank you for teaching me thank you for listening to me, Allways.



Workbook Lesson:   - "Miracles are seen in light." – I enjoy this lesson because I find it so true and so encouraging. It reminds me of being in a dark room, and the lighter the room gets the better I can see everything with a brighter and clearer perspective. It's the same way when I have resistances to something and I get stuck, but when I take the time to release and forgive, the flow isn't so mucked up and continues to open to the point where I can see the miracles, the new ways of thinking that allow me to be even more aware of the light and who I AM, as Christ the Son of God.



Thinking it Over: When I think of this lesson it reminds me of the importance of really wanting to release all that blocks the light from me. When I first started the ACIM workbook, I thought I could get it all instantly, and the Course says I can, but it depends on my ability to release and forgive and forget my grievances.  I have found there is nothing instant for me about that, I get upset, then I get REAL UPSET, then I realize I have to let it go, then I do let it go with the Wholly Spirit's help, for each grievance, all 99 million of them. What blocks your light? How do you find the miracles?




Tips & Tricks: This is your reminder to be gentle with yourself. Remember that this is a slow uncovery process and it will happen in God's time not ours. There is no such thing as free will, only the illusion of it, so there is only God's time. Eat well, sleep well, exercise well, rest well, and above all realize God's got it at all times, especially when it doesn't feel like it. Our Christ Mind knows the way, so the more we just stay open minded and do the lessons the more it happens, seemingly all by itself, and then you look back and go wow, look how far I have come.


Upon Closing: What a lovely little jaunt down the road, thank you for joining me and showing me we can, and we are going home together. As you know this blog started as a requirement to reflect on each of the ACIM workbook lessons in section two and share my insights about them with you as part of my requirements for Teacher of Teachers Certification, part two in the Certification series for ACIM presented by Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne. At times the going has been slow and at others exuberant and energizing, but my calling to teach overrides it all because that is how El designed me to be. Thank you for coming along and making it all worthwhile. Have a blessed day and gentle night, Love and Light, Riki🌈