This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 27

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 27


"Above all else I want to see."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  My gentle buddies, hey, hi, I hope you are starting to get the hang of this, the connecting to Spirit in the morning and at night, and as much as you can during the day while you're doing your lessons. It can slowly become a new way of life, giving us a framework by which to awaken and awaken the world. Let's strap on our big kid panties and sing twinkle twinkle little star as we do the twist happily down the road. Hugs you guys, I'm so glad you're here.



Prayer: Blessed Wholly Spirit, please show us the way home. Please cuddle us when we're scared and uncertain and remind us of our true identity as the Son of God at those times, we falter. You are loving and kind, please help us to think differently so we can see the real world. Thank you for helping us have the determination to push on, to be at peace and to realize we are all one. Thank you for teaching us, for guiding us, and for being with us allways.



Workbook Lesson: "Above all else I want to see." This lesson is really asking you to put your money on the table and get down with it. We have been asked in different ways to affirm that we want to see. First why we should see, and then the suggestions have become more about an emphatic need and desire to see. I have found that as I see, it brings the hunger to see more and the willingness and determination to do what ever it takes. The reason I believe that it has to be above all else that I wanna see, is because there is nothing else to truly see, all else is illusion. The way the desire seems to work for me is like a bulldozer, it goes a little bit and plows down some stumps and bushes, then I can see better, until I see the next bunch of illusions in my way, like rocks and trees. Now that a lot of the debris has been removed and sight is become clearer, I want more and more, because I am starting to feel lighter and more focused, and awakening to the truth.


Thinking it Over: I went through this process of saying I wanna see more than my relationship, so I released it, I wanna see more than most of my possessions so I released them. Then of course I won't release my 5 adult kids, as far as never connecting to them again, but my thinking was changed around how I am choosing to interact with them now. I am putting my own needs ahead of my kids, not continually sacrificing for them, the way I was raised, the way a good mom should do. So, as I continued on releasing and forgiving, the clearer I really could see. And what I am seeing is God's Wholly design for me, why I was born, what my calling on earth is. What have you released so you can see better? What is standing in your way now?



Tips & Tricks: Joni Mitchell had a song with the lyrics, "don't it always seem to go that ya don't know what ya got til it's gone." While writing this essay today I was guided to look at those lyrics from a different angle. In relation to this lesson, I am looking at it like once the stuff is removed, then we truly can see what we got. I love doing things like that, taking ideas and concepts, and turning them on their heads, it makes me giggle. I love the Course for many reasons, but especially because nothing is as it seems, and just when I think I got it all sewed up, here comes another concept and another way of seeing. Stay open please and just let the good times roll.


Upon Closing: And another one bites the dust, and another lessons done, and another lessons done, and another one bites the dust.  Look at us go, playin, jumpin, skippin, huggin, keepin on, keepin on. The energy feels so good, all warm and fuzzy, first thing when we connect and then when we stop for the night. Enjoy the love, there is plenty of it to go around. Nite, Nite. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

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