This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 29

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 29


"God is in everything I see."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hey you guys, I am so stupendously proud of us, we are doin it, we are almost a month through and still keepin on keepin on. Can you feel your brains being washed yet? Are you starting to realize that there is a tad bit more going on here than meets the eye? I am so glad we show up to walk the path together every day. I love A Course in Miracles, I have for over 30 years and the pure honor of being able to share with you a Course that has saved my life in soooo many ways, is in and of itself, one of the greatest miracles so far. I am so happy you are wanting to continue on this glorious path with me. Soft hiking boots today, and probably some time for birdwatching too. Upward and ever onward, my sweet buds.



Prayer: Glorious and blessed God, thank you for being with us on the journey, for showing us what Love looks like in all it's many forms. Thank you for finding a way to awaken us gentle and slowly. Please guide us on our way home and grant us the true eyes to see and the faith to continue. Please help us to connect to our power and might and realize how beautiful we completely are. Please send your Wholly Spirit to help us to see things differently and to bring us forward into the light. Thank you God for creating us, and for being with us Allways.


Workbook Lesson: "God is in everything I see." The peace that comes from this lesson is undeniable, if God is in everything I see, then God is with me allways. God is love, and God is in and behind everything, including me and all the illusions I imagined. The workbook lesson talks about how silly it sounds, as we try to imagine God in all these things, and since I was raised Catholic, I was taught the idea that God was on high, with the Angels and Archangels and Saints, in all His glory and everything Wholly, and we were down here, cowering in the corner. So pathetic that God had to send His only Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. So, coming from that place of indoctrination it was a lot more than silly, it was preposterous that God would be in anything like a table, or a computer, or a chair, or car, or most astounding of all, in me, after all He is God. We worship Him, pray to Him for forgiveness of our heinous nature, and beg Him not to send us to Hell, where we most deserve to be. The Course has brought me a long way in recognizing the truth, that I am the Son of God, He created me so He could play, and experience with me for all eternity. I AM Love.


Thinking it Over: It is so freeing to see so many of the blocks, ways, I was raised and taught along the way that have stood in the way of my accepting my true nature as the Son of God. And truly seeing God as the totality of everything and realizing God and I are just hanging out within a playground that we created together. What are the blocks that you were taught and raised with that stand in the way of your recognizing God?


Tips & Tricks: Today is a go with the flow day, just relaxing, putting down the doubts, worries, what ifs and insecurities, and just for one quarter of a second relax and believe that all the Course is teaching is quite likely to be real. Ya don't have to concern yourself with the hows, whys or wherefores of it, just let it be, breathe, and enjoy the peace of God, it's quite a view.


Upon Closing: What a love jaunt it was today, almost a stroll in the park, except for the crazy boulders in the way part, and the unexpected avalanches. We are so doin this, I am so glad you put on your big kid pants and decided to play. Can you guys please come out and play with me again tomorrow? Please have a blessed and sweet night and remember to do your lessons as clearly as you can. Hugs and more hugs. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

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