This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Monday, February 7, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 38

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 38


"There is nothing my holiness cannot do. "


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Sweetest of days my precious buddies, another day to work on our awakening and on the awakening of the world. These lessons can be so deceptive, we just keep on keeping on, one day at a time doing the lesson of the day, and inside we are changing, our minds are clearing ad releasing, most of the time it happens so subtly we don't even notice too much, and then all of a sudden, we find ourselves reacting in different ways than we used to or making different choices. I enjoy your company so much on our journey. It matters so to know I am not alone. Tambourine time, let's shake it and shake it as we are struttin our stuff up hills and down valleys, hugs around.



Prayer: Loving and gentle God, thank you for creating us, and for giving us a world to play in and a chance to play dressup all kinds of ways. We can be anything we wanna be, and most of all please help us to be your Son, to remember the love and the joy of oneness, even the play of oneness with my best friend, my dad. Please help us to experience life allways, and to know we are never alone. Please most of all do for us what we can't do for ourselves. Allways.


Workbook Lesson:  "There is nothing my holiness cannot do. " This is an eye-opening and beautiful lesson. When I look at it using the awareness of holiness as wholiness and completeness, it really spells it out clearly that my wholeness with God leaves me open to do anything. Especially when I am coming from that one mind and not from my little self, that is also in my split mind. Because when I come from my separate self, forget it. I am in charge of my life, I have free will, I only focus on my illusions and fantasies, and I am clearly not in touch with the mind of God, in fact I try really hard not to be. But the awesome thing is that I truly am allways connected to God, even when I don't think I am. So, as I continue to be a student of the Course, my mind is expanding and opening to the truth of my oneness, so that at the right time I will release the focus on my little self and walk in the Wholiness as my Christ Self.


Thinking it Over: It is interesting to me that actually the only choice we have is which mind we will think with and believe me that to be at the space where I recognize that, is a miracle all in itself. It is not to the point where I go, I think I'll put on the Christ mind or the ego mind, but by the things I think, and what I do, and my openness of mind it leads me further away from separateness. The recognition that my split mind sees everything separate is a large awareness already. What do you recognize? What choices can you make to connect to the Christ mind?



Tips & Tricks: The learning to just let me be in my awakening through the Course is soooo important. I have been critical of myself most of my life, so, the just letting myself be has taken some practicing. Especially when I first started the Course I was so focused on where I thought I should be, and I could never please myself. I was always thinking I was either behind or ahead of the lessons and couldn't allow the grace to come in to see I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Acceptance goes a long way and just trusting that I am where God would have me be.  


Upon Closing: I LOVE YOU GUYS, that was an exciting time, sometimes I forget how everything goes better with music, Rock on. Enjoy the love there is plenty of it to go around, enjoy your night, please remember the reaching to the Wholly Spirit along your journey, asking to see things differently. May your night be blessed and your heart be open and free.

Love & Light, Riki 🌈

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