This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Friday, February 11, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 42

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 42


"God is my strength. Vision is His gift. "


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi sweeties, I hope your night was pleasant and you are ready to go on another jaunt down the road. Just enjoying the flow, and not defining the journey. I love having you in my life and am so excited that we get to share it together. Today is favorite color day, as we keep on keepin on, just where the colors that inspire you the most. Well for me no surprise is gonna be blue jeans and a tie-dyed t-shirt. That is how I feel best comfortable and rainbowed. This lesson should bring on some different thinking, so without further ado, let's hug up and go for it.


Prayer: Blessed Wholly Spirit, thank you for being with us always, helping us to know there is a way home, and you aren't asking us to find it, or even choose it, you're just asking us to be open to it, and accept it. Please grant us your strength and vision that we can know of your Wholly will for us and the power to carry it out. And especially do for us what we can't do for ourselves, please help us to see things differently. Grant us the ability to feel you and share you and see us as one. Thank you for creating us, thank you for teaching us, thank you for being with us. Allways.


Workbook Lesson:  "God is my strength. Vision is His gift. " Kinda like through God's strength I see. The ability to use God's power, and the gift is to see the truth and not the illusion, to have that inner knowing to see the light, the dimensions, not looking with your eyes, but with your 3rd eye. Those who have the ability to see can truly have the awareness of God, and not be caught in the perceived reality of the separateness of the little self. When we have the gift of vision we experience the oneness, without separation, and we feel the might of God as our strength. We don't have the fear we can go where we are guided to go, and experience everything with the ability to handle all things. Right now for me life gets a little maddening because I can have the gift of clear sight and use it one minute and not the next. Like coming in and out of the dream. I got it, and then I thought with the separation of purpose again and clarity goes right out the window.



Thinking it Over: My strength comes from the energy of God within me, ever ready, never failing, always there. I know when I am in the pocket, cause that is one of the first things I feel is the unwavering strength of God. I just know, the next step, I am not concerned with outcome, I am just flowing with the next right thing, not caught up in defining or expecting, just being with. What are those moments like for you when you are certain of God's strength?


Tips & Tricks: As we get further into the Course now is a real good time to take a little teeny weeny self-evaluation of how you are working your program, not all freak out crazy looking at it, but more about just taking a poke around in your business to see what you might want to strengthen up on like more rest, healthier food, connecting to Wholly Spirit in the morning and at night, and also as you are called too as much as you can in between. Asking yourself have I skipped any lessons? Have I played catch up doing more than one at a time?   Not as a stick to beat yourself up with, but as a way to remind yourself of those places that are a little loose, and giving yourself kudos for those areas where you are right on and goin strong. Also remember having emotional support and being good to yourself are equally important. I don't think I have ever done the workbook lessons when I felt like this is it, I have it all sewed up, because I tend to be very hard on myself.


Upon Closing: Whew, that was a good lesson, but a little confusing one. Sometimes I find it so interesting that the lessons are very straightforward, but they still leave me a little confused. I think it's ok to be confused because at least I have something going on in there. I love you guys, and you are never alone. Have a loving night and I'll see ya in the morning.

Love & Light, Riki 🌈

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