This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Friday, February 25, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 57

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 57


" The review for today covers Lessons 31 to 35"



Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Good Morning Sunshines, Yay, we are fast approaching the 3rd section, and each one gets a little deeper and a little deeper into understanding the relationship between Father and Son. I hope your rest was gentle and you love seeing me as much as I love seeing you. This is fun, Let's have a group hug and twist on down the road. Love you guys, last one there is a rainbow ameba.



Prayer: Gentle and loving Father, I beg you to awaken me, I beg you to show me the way home to you, so I can awaken from this dream. I need you, I need to know you, I need to see me in you. I want to know your mind, I want to know us as one. Please guide me, please grant me your courage and strength to keep on, to not turn back to playing with my toys. Thank you for teaching us. Allways.



Workbook Lesson: " The review for today covers Lessons 31 to 35"


"I am not the victim of the world I see." – This world does not hold me prisoner, and I don't have to think of myself as held here or victimized against my will. Though I like to see my self as little and pathetic, and weak and unable to do anything, it does not change the fact that I am a God.


"I have invented the world I see." - I made this world the way it is, and I can choose not to see it, I can choose to see the truth and release this one, by how I look at it. And as far as free will goes, that is all the choice I truly have, to see it through God's eyes or stay stuck here.


"There is another way of looking at the world." – This one I know is true, I have experienced the other way and it is beautiful, peaceful, and calm, I am not conflicted, or confused, and it was good while it lasted, but I am staying open to seeing with God,


"I could see peace instead of this." – To know this, is awesome, we are still figuring out how to let go and let it happen, but that there is a way out of our craziness is exciting. God's peace is wonderful to just be and know all is well.


"My mind is part of God's." – This is huge and explains why the world we made isn't real, and why we can only see with God, because I am in God, and his mind is right there for me. I am not alone on my own, I actually can think with God's mind.



Thinking it Over: How about that, these puzzle pieces really point to the fact that we can upgrade huge, if we will just be willing to give up our little self, to see how magnificent and amazing we truly are. After all we are the Son of God, it doesn't get more huge than that. We are in the mind of God, God is with us always, the dream can end anytime. It is strange for me, when I read this review lesson, my mind begins looking to see where God ends, and where I start, I look around for God. Well, if I am in God and He is in me and with me always, then looking for Him like we are separate doesn't make any sense. Does it make sense to you?



Tips & Tricks: I am finding at this point my mind is looking for ways to self-sabotage my progress. It is like the little me is fighting for my life. So, I keep asking the Wholly Spirit to be with me. And help me to release and see things differently. I can also use it as a validation that the mind ordering of the Course is working. If you find you are sabotaging yourself, be gentle with you and just ask to see things differently.


Upon Closing: That was quite the revealing puzzle pieces, I am seeing more of the puzzle every minute, I hope you are too. The walk was enlightening, but the path was a little winding. We are doing such an amazing job, just putting one foot in front of the other. We got this all day long. Let's take a sec to find some four-leaf clovers, not for the luck, but for the zen of it. Hugs all around, have a blessed night. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

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