This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 74

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 74


"There is no will but God's."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Good morning my best buds, today should be a great day to call in the angels and hitch a ride on their beautiful golden wings. It will be warm, with a gentle breeze and a whole lot of love. So, let's get some awesome huggies and continue on down the line. Today's lesson has a lot of love and light to it, so we can focus on all the ins and outs of God being in charge of everything. It is so much fun to be able to hang out with you guys and just know it is by design.



Prayer: Blessed Spirit, please watch over us and help us know we are safe and help us follow along the best we can. In some ways today's lesson scares us because if everything is your will, it does make it hard to feel looked after when so much craziness has happened in our lives already. It kinda makes it look like you don't care. But, I can feel you do, and that you just want us to play with you. Please guide us along and do for us what we can't do for ourselves. Thank you for teaching us. Allways.


Workbook Lesson:  "There is no will but God's." Well, it's about darn time. When this truly started to sink in, oh man did I get pissed. I had a very heated discussion with God, and even spoke very loudly and said what kind of loving Father, makes their kid believe they have free choice, why would you lie to us this way. The answer was that He is All There Is, and God got bored of hanging out by Himself so He created a buddy to do stuff with, and just exploring and discovering would be kinda pointless for One who knows all. He made it so we thought we could create everything separate from God, but the truth is there is only the Will of God, regardless of the illusion of free will. It is by this illusion here on earth that we keep playing the game. So, when I can stay in the mindset to remember that all will is God's will, I keep thinking how it's just my Dad with me loving me on our grand adventure. It also gives me permission to just kick back and enjoy the ride, cause I can't do a darn thing about it anyway.


Thinking it Over: It is kind of a spoiler alert to realize everything we have done throughout our lives, fell in love, got dumped, got drunk, had babies, got sick was all by the design of our loving Father, who wanted to experience with us. He also had us go through these different trials and tribulations to grow us to fulfill our calling. What were some of God's choices that you would second guess? How did they help you to grow your calling?


Tips & Tricks: One of the things this lesson helped me with was to realize that since it is all by God's design the best prayer I could pray was to ask God for His Wholly will for me this day, and the power to carry that out. It has made a difference because I spend less time making illusions and stories on how I want things to be and getting grievances at people cause they are not doing things the way I want them done, because I have no will, and through acceptance of God's Will I get to feel a whole heck of a lot happier and peaceful.


Upon Closing: Wow that was amazing, angels and all. The information came in loving and fast, and I am grateful that they finally spelled it out for us. There is no free will, it is all God's Will. So, I think I need to work on my faith in God a lot more. I hope it wasn't too nuts for ya, it is definitely food for thought. In your journals you may wanna spend a little time writing about your feelings of not having free will, it can be sneaky. Have a blessed day my loves and have a restful night.

Love & Light, Riki 🌈

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