This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 22


A Course in Miracles
Workbook Lesson 22

"What I see is a form of vengeance."

Interpreted by Roberta Gallop

The Daily Welcome: Hail Everybody, I hope you got lots of rest and are ready for a nice gentle jog on the path to enlightenment. Our ego loves to counter our new found freedom, for every thought we release and forgive, it feels like another hundred come to take their place. The great thing about the Course is no matter what's going on in your life we can hang out and do the lessons together and walk each other home. So let's all take a deep breath, sweet huddle, and lots of love.

The Prayer: Loving Spirit, thank you for creating us and helping us to release our resistances on our way to you. Please strengthen our faith and help us to feel your eternal warmth and compassion especially through the dismantling of the dream, when the going gets tough and we aren't too sure of who we are. Blessed and Wholly Spirit please guide us every step of the way and help us to see things differently, like the world and our relation to it,allways.

The Workbook Lesson: "What I see is a form of vengeance." The never-ending story of dog eat dog over and over again. I judge, criticize, and belittle as you judge and attack me with vile viciousness and we all know it's your fault. Because you're mean, you don't understand, and on and on. After eons and eons and layers and layers, I want out, but have no real idea of how to do it. It even becomes hard to imagine that there is a God, or a Heaven or a way out. Enter the Course, as it slowly and systematically shows us how to stop the merry-go-round of attack thoughts on ourselves and others, and reach to our true thoughts that are hiding behind these illusions. Each lesson is designed to first help us see that we have an addiction to thinking problem, and then help us to train our minds to be still and release the images we create ourselves.

Thinking about it: So the hamster wheel needs to stop, which can be a hard thing to do when you feel justified in being that way. It actually stems from our guilt of our belief that we separated from God. So, God will naturally attack us because we left Him. I felt justified in my vengeance against God because after the shitty thing I did to Him, how could he possibly forgive me, I abandoned my Father. What thoughts and feelings do you have about God and your reasons for keeping Him separate from you?

Tips & Tricks: The biggest tip I can think of is the need to treat ourselves kindly. By now the Course has made its presence known, in a trillion ways, some we will see and some we won't, but our minds are starting to get reigned in and with that can come a sense of WTF. Please remember that this Course will bring about changes in our perception that opens the door wide for miraculous things to occur, and along with miracles come changes. So it is perfectly natural to feel off balance, or at times very uncertain of the next right move. So by your staying open to the concept of unconditional love it makes it easier to relax and accept who God has made you to be. It's all by design and God loves us very much.

Upon Closing: Whew, what a lesson, this one really focuses on the hidden guilt and shame that has helped to keep us here locked in the cycles that keep us trapped. So all the more reason to remember that WE ARE NOT ALONE. Please reach to your support systems, relax take another Calgon bath and accept God is doing for you what you can't do for yourself. Love goes a long way, so does putting down the whips and chains, realizing you are innocent, free will is just a myth and we are happily in the Garden drinking a martini and feeling love true love, on all levels and in all ways. Stay connected and know we are all one for a reason. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Friday, January 21, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 21

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 21


"I am determined to see things differently."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Yay and great mornin, I hope the new structure in lessons didn't throw you too much. I kinda liked it cause it reminds me why I am here, to train my mind. Having you guys in my life is wonderful, I roll out of bed, have my morning tea and oatmeal and then reach out to my peaceful posse. Lovin our time together as we put one foot in front of the other, marching into enlightenment. We can do anything, especially with Archangels flanking us on every side and Christ leading the way. Merrily we roll along, roll along, roll along, Merrily we roll along, to gain eternity.


Prayer: My precious and loving Christ, you who show us compassion and strength and are with us always, please help us to follow the Course to the best of our ability. Please help us to stay strong as we are taught to be Teachers of God and help us to remember that you are grooming us through ever life's lesson, through all we meet and all we do to be all you have designed us to be. May we fear not as we forget who we were, and become who we are. Thank you for being here, thank you for teaching us, Allways.


Workbook Lesson: "I am determined to see things differently." This lesson really makes me feel like I won the lottery, cause here the rubber meets the road, this is the place that I feel I can do something. Like I can really make a difference. I wanna do it, kinda like put me in coach, I got this. When I do this lesson, I feel like not just I want to see differently, but that I CAN think differently. I CAN DO THIS. Sometimes throughout my life I kinda wanna do something, but not really, or maybe a little bit. But when I feel this lesson, I get that inner fortitude, like I AM doing this. There is nothing more important in my life than seeing things in a different way. Please change my thinking, please show me the way, please change this that stands in the way of my awakening, this that stands in the way of our awakening. I am determined to change the thinking of the world, I am determined to bring salvation to the world. When I do this lesson I feel so filled with the Wholly Spirit, it just comes upon me and I wanna scream, hell ya. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that is forefront in my mind then seeing things differently, there is nothing absolutely nothing, that will stand in the way of my seeing things differently. As I awaken, I awaken the world. I only want the truth, I will no longer play with seeing illusions in my mind, and also there is nothing on any level that will prevent me from seeing only the truth of God.


Thinking It Over: Determination in my being feels like molten fire is coursing through my veins, I am of single mind and complete oneness of thought. There will be nothing that can deter me, and I know it. I do not feel alone, I feel all of Heaven stands with me. How do you feel when you're determined? How do you act when you're determined? Can you be determined to see?



Tips & Tricks: A good and timely tip for ya, especially since we are talking about thoughts, is examining your self-talk. Because what I tell myself has the power to either keep my little self earthbound or go a long way to releasing to my Christ Self. If I am doing the Course and realizing I am innocent and limitless and then turning around and telling myself what a loser and imperfect mess I am, it can prove to be quite counterproductive.


Upon Closing: I enjoyed today's lesson, we got to run a little and roar a lot, and smile all the while. Remember to do the lessons as suggested and to be gentle with yourself along the way. 3 weeks is a big huge hairy deal. So, here's a toast to us, every step of the way. I enjoy your company, you fill my heart. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Thursday, January 20, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 20

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 20


"I am determined to see."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Good Morning sunshines, I hope you slept well. I am excited about this lesson because it shows they feel confident enough in our progress to start throwing some real stuff at us. It was bound to happen that they would step up our game at some point. But we can handle this all day long. Let's make sure we are all geared up and just go for it. Remember we are together, and enlightenment is well worth the price of admission. So, big group hug and let's form a chorus line as we move on down the road, strutting our stuff. One, two, three step, One, two, three, kick. 


Prayer: Blessed Christ, please help us, sometimes we just don't understand, how it all fits, and we don't even know what a mind reversal is. Please grant us the determination and honesty to find out the difference. Please help us to grow in the faith and assurity that you made us, that you are with us always, and that as we release our thinking to you, we will think differently and will ascend. As we reach to the Wholly Spirit help us to feel confident in His companionship and love. Thank you for guiding us and thank you for teaching us. Allways.


Workbook Lesson: "I am determined to see." I can tell they are still being careful not to get us resistant and pissed off. They are starting to bring structure to our undisciplined minds and also really show us how important it is. As stated, "We have not lost sight of the crucial importance of the reversal of your thinking. The salvation of the world depends on it." (ACIM Workbook L20) I included this quote because it truly blows me away. It is heavy to know the salvation of the world depends on me changing my thinking. I love the way the lesson states determined to see. This is where we put the big kid panties on and just do it, no half-assing. How bad do you want it? The need to see differently is crucial, because as all our thoughts are one, as we change our thinking, we change the world.


Thinking It Over: I believe I am willful, and rebellious, especially when it comes to letting go of my illusion of free will. Sometimes I wanna awaken, but I don't wanna do the work to get there. So that I will be given more structure is probably a good idea, but it's not the first thing on my fun list. In some ways structure makes me feel safe and cared for, but it also makes me feel controlled and "mind-bended". How do you feel about structure? How do you react to it?


Tips & Tricks: One of the things that can help with this type of lesson is to keep right up front why you are taking the Course in the first place. If you don't know why you are taking it, then it might be a good idea to do some soul searching and get in touch with the why of it. So, when those crazy resistances come up and your minds start to rebel and tell you that you are getting brain washed, you will have the strength to stay in there. For me, it says it in the quote above, only by my mind reversal will the world find salvation. That's enough reason for me.


Upon Closing: Whew, that was a deal and a half. Sometimes we don't just need a little help from our friends, we need all kinds of friggin help. Fear not, we are with you, and so think on the bright side, we are doing the Course with you, so if you start healing your mind, we will too. And if you go completely nuts, we will too, so either way you will not be alone, not even a teensy-weensy bit. I am here for you, and please make sure you have people to talk to while you do the lessons, they don't have to be into ACIM, they just need to have a listening ear and a nice bunch of compassion. Please make sure to pat yourself on the back for hanging in there with the rest of us, and also the salvation of the world is a pretty huge deal. I love you guys, gentle rest and sleep well.

Love & Light, Riki🌈

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 19

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 19


"I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hey, yoohoo, over here. I wanna show you my favorite flower in the whole world, it is a wild yellow lady's slipper, oh so beautiful, and oh so rare, they had them where I grew up in Maine. The coolest thing about them is they don't have to do anything, except be and enjoy where God placed them. I am starting to learn the power of that in us. As I own myself in the fashion that God designed me to be, without all the crazy illusions, and layers and layers of perceptions. I see the love, truth, and oneness in us all. I hope the workbook lessons have been treatin ya kindly, and that you are gung-ho to get going to the next one like I am. I can't see what's down the road any further than you can, but I think it's a hoot to have you guys with me, together we can face anything. Love you guys.


Prayer: Perfect Christ, please help us to release all thoughts of separateness and differences. We know it is what keeps us from knowing and accepting your thoughts and not creating our own illusions. Please help us to stay open to the truth and release all judgment, period. May your blessed and Wholly Spirit guide us on our journey to you and supply us with everything we need. Thank you for creating us and thank you for teaching us. Allways.


Workbook Lesson: "I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts." It is interesting to me how the workbook talks about cause and effect not being separate, so things happen together, because I was just thinking about that as I had sent in the previous blog post and then saw this lesson and was freaking because I had talked more about the concept of this lesson in the previous one. I was able to calm down and say of course it's not separate, when it comes to God nothing is different. Like a while ago I was all confused about should I pray to Christ, God, or another aspect of God and the answer was we are all one, enter what ever door you wish it's the same house. Since we are one, and there is no differences, how could we have separate anything let alone thoughts, it's all part of the illusion.


Thinking It Over: I did in the beginning have a very weird feeling about everybody knowing my private thoughts and me knowing everybody else's, I just felt paranoid like I was being spied on all the time. But then with Christ's help I used it as a teaching tool and asked myself; What thoughts would I be ashamed for everyone to know? And then started listing them, because those are the places where I have resistances with myself, and they needed forgiveness. Stuff like I sucked my thumb until I was 16, or I still at age 68 sleep with the light on, all the lies I think that diminish my worth. What thoughts would you be ashamed to have us all know? Get started on that list baby.


Tips & Tricks: Take suggestions, from those who have gone previously. Like when someone says can I offer you a word of advice, don't bitch at them, give them tude or resistance. Just say thank you that they cared enough to offer help, and then ask the Wholly Spirit to give you the open-mindedness and willingness to do the suggestion, and then do it.


Upon Closing: Hi fellow students, today was a great day, the squirrel cage and the stick got a lot less use and that goes a long way for me. It's interesting when it comes to the Course, every time I go through it again new amazing stuff happens in my life. Also, a reminder to please stay vigilant because this is where the desire to stop doing lessons can show up, because it's, I tried it, and I am doing so well I need to take a few days off, boy am I exhausted, maybe I'll take a month off. When those thoughts come in, I reach to the Wholly Spirit to help me see things differently. As always, be gentle with yourself, keep on truckin and know we are in this together and you are sooooo  loved. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 18

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 18


"I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Blessed day my rambunctious loves, it is nice to see you well rested and chomping at the bit. We are doing it, all of us, one day at a time. Banding together, learning lessons, enjoying each other's energy, and having a general yummy time. So, today's temperatures may be a little cooler, let's dress a little warm and happily get at it. Love you guys.


Prayer: My beloved All That Is, please guide us to reach to you and know we are one. Thank you for creating me and experiencing my life with me, knowing we are all made by your design to fulfill the calling you have chosen for each of us. Please help us to stay confident that we are your Son, and that we can do as you would have us do, and help us to know and accept our worth. Allways.


Workbook Lesson: "I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing." So, this is a great reminder that we are one and we are not in this alone, and even though there are many millions of us on the planet, our mind is one. We are all connected through that mind, so as all of us little selfs down here think, feel, and make more and more thoughts, decisions, and illusions we all feel the effects of these illusions together. So, we reinforce the separation, that judgement of what is good and what is bad, of which acts are acceptable and which ones are not. I think media of all kinds is very responsible for influencing our thoughts and subsequent views and actions. We are so addicted to having our thinking handed to us on a silver platter, for anything from political views to fashion trends, to societal norms and expectations. Thoughts from movies, thoughts from tv, from music, from internet, the list goes on and on. With this cacophony of crazy going on it's a wonder God can get a thought in edgewise. The nice thing is it works the other way too. As we continue to grow in expanded consciousness and raised awareness, more and more we are collectively influenced by those thoughts too.



Thinking It Over: There were two dogs, a black one and a white one and they were constantly fighting. And the question was which one is winning? The answer was, the one I feed regularly. I chose this to show how powerful the effects of our thoughts are. If I see the black dog as separation thoughts and the white dog as Christ centered thoughts of oneness, then it really shows me when I focus on the Course, and continue to surrender, release, and forgive the past to the point of non – existence, I really am making a difference. Which dog do you feed regularly?


Tips & Tricks: So, please remember to check in and see how routine is going with the Course lessons. You can set reminder alerts on your phone so you can do the lessons as recommended. I use index cards to write the daily lesson and the times I should do it. It is also recommended to take first thing in the morning and at night to connect to the Wholly Spirit. I didn't do it perfectly, but I found as I did my connecting in, more and more frequently, I felt stronger and more centered. 


Upon Closing: Wow, we did it another day of getting down and getting on, taking care of business. I think it might be nice to get out the red and white checkered tablecloth and have an old-fashioned picnic. I got the mashed potatoes, and you and your friend brought the apple pie and fried chicken, and I think I saw some coleslaw in the bottom of the basket. I saw some cold cider by the stream. So, let's have a little celebration, just because we are together, and we can. I know the Course can become a brain drain, but please stick with it, cause I look forward to starting out with ya every morning. Have a gentle and blessed night and know you are loved. Love & Light, Riki 🌈


Monday, January 17, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 17

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 17


"I see no neutral things."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi my beautiful buddies, up and at um, another day of moving along. Maybe we can slow the pace down a little and just kinda sashay down the path doing our best runway model impersonation. It's so important that we take the fun where we can find it. I think I'm gonna wear my best feathered boa and pink leather skullcap and my favorite designer overalls, no heels, just my ten little piggies. What will you wear? How will you outrageously express yourself today? When it comes to the Course there are as many ways to rock it, as there are people. 


Prayer: Our Precious and steadfast Teacher, please help us to believe in ourselves, please help us to see ourselves as you see us. Please help to strengthen our resolve to want to put away the thinking and image making and reach to light, reach within to you. Thank you for loving us into existence and being with us every step of the way on our grand adventure together. We love you and wish only to feel the true oneness. Please guide us to the garden. Thank you for teaching us. Allways.


Workbook Lesson: "I see no neutral things. Judgment is a powerful tool; it created the world as we know it. The knowledge of good and evil has made everything mean something, pretty car, ugly blonde etc. The way my teacher explains it is. "So, if you are not making something different, you are seeing everything not just the same, but it's reality before it's discerned is different." (Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne, ACIMi L17, ex.)  I think he is talking about how our judgment makes everything different, and definitely not neutral. I believe neutral is love, and our natural state before we start defining and judging, that is why it is different. We take the beautiful wholeness of All that is, and then with our thoughts start slicing and dicing. This Course aims at helping us learn to unthink and just be as we are naturally. As these lessons focusing on cause and effect continue, we are reminded by the Course that as we think so we believe we are. This is where illusion comes from because the weaving of thoughts makes the effect.


Thinking It Over: It's like with any movie, the thought, the idea, comes first. My thoughts were I hate myself, no one loves me, I am a pathetic loser, I can't do this, I need help, everyone thinks I'm a joke. What thoughts caused your movie? Then they add the images and plots, scenery, actors, and on and on. I usually played the victim, the helpless, misunderstood, damsel in distress, waiting to be saved.  What does your movie effect look like?


Tips & Tricks: I hope you like the new section,s it was created with the hope that we can expand our own understanding of the lesson and share on them, I know nothing gets me pondering like a good honest question. Also, that regular reminder to do the lessons the best you can, whether you understand how it fits or not, and if you miss one you don't have to beat yourself up, just start with the missed lesson the next day, just doing one lesson at a time. Please don't try and play catch up by doing more than one lesson a day. If you have a lesson that you would like to do for more than one day that's fine.


Upon Closing: Hey you guys, we did it, we found our way to a resting place for today. I don't know about you, but I feel like I put a day in. Please allways remember you are loved and valued, and it would be unthinkable for me to have to do this without you, cause you bring so much joy to my heart. Please remember you are never alone on the journey, that you make such a stupendous difference in my life, and a reminder that you were called to the Course by divine design, basically you're here cause God wanted you here. Please have an inspiring rest of your day, a blessed night and remember to call upon the Wholly Spirit. Hugs, Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Sunday, January 16, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 16

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 16


"I have no neutral thoughts."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi, my exciting buddies, connecting with you is always my favorite part of each new lesson, because this Course is the real deal, and I love the support along the way. Sometimes I am confused, sometimes I have no idea what I am, and it helps to know I am accepted and not judged no matter what. So, I hope the lessons are treating you well and that you are all raring to go another couple miles as we ease on down the road.


Prayer: Loving Christ, please help us to the difference between truth thoughts and imagination thoughts. Our minds get kinda numb and we get easily lost along the way, please guide us to know your design for us, so we can express our unique gifts and talents. Please open us deeply, but gently so we can feel every bit of our wonderous connection with you. Also help us to as we awaken, we awaken the world. Please lead us to where you would have us go, show us how to connect to those we can best help and give us the messages to say. I feel so loved and cared for by you, and I have the hope you will grant us all we need to remember the garden. Thank you for teaching us, and for granting us perseverance to continue the lessons. Allways.


Workbook Lesson: "I have no neutral thoughts."  Well, if this lesson don't just put the icing on the cake. I can't stop thinking, this much is crystal clear to me, I can't seem to get much of a handle on it. Then the Course says, "every thought you have contributes to truth or to illusion; either it extends the truth, or it multiplies illusions." (ACIM workbook, L16,) Now that sounds innocent enough, but remember I have no idea about my thoughts at all, past, future or anything else. So, when I think thoughts, (which is constantly) I have no idea if they contribute to truth or illusion, until I see how things start turning out, kinda like, oooppppssss that wasn't it. Yup, yup, yup, nope, well yup, oh I mean nope, doggoneit.


I have found with this lesson I have had to have extreme patience with myself, cause it is terrifying to realize I'm making crazy shit that isn't real, and then to accept I am utterly insane. Then I keep thinking these insane thoughts with my mind, and if that isn't bad enough, like oh ya by the way, you know those thoughts you addictively keep thinking. THEY COUNT, they are not neutral. I was better off when I thought they didn't mean anything. Remember we are not alone, there is power going on far beyond my little self, and there is most definitely a way out. God's got it.


Tips & Tricks: The best tip when it comes to this lesson or the Course lessons in general is one, I have mentioned frequently, to call in the Wholly Spirit and ask Him to help you see things differently. Because with the change in mind, brings that most needed change in perspective that brings on the miracles. I have also noticed that during these lessons I can get very preoccupied so doing things that will help you stay in the present, like meditation and breathing can help a lot. I wish I could snuggle you up in a blankie my friends, give you a warm bottle and guarantee you will make it this time. But the truth is whether you awaken through the course this time, is based on how bad you want it, and what lengths you are willing to go to get it.


Upon Closing: I'm pooped, how about you? This one left me quite emotionally drained, I bet you are a little tuckered yourself.  Sandwich anyone? As we get used to doing the lessons the daily discipline gets easier, but though the lessons do get more intense in some ways, Christ is making us stronger at the same time. But you got us right here for moral support and understanding, that's what friends are for. Blessed and Wholly Spirit, please do for us what we can't do for ourselves. Have a beautiful day, and gentle night. Love & Light, Riki 🌈