Workbook Lesson 22
"What I see is a form of vengeance."
Interpreted by Roberta Gallop
The Daily Welcome: Hail Everybody, I hope you got lots of rest and are ready for a nice gentle jog on the path to enlightenment. Our ego loves to counter our new found freedom, for every thought we release and forgive, it feels like another hundred come to take their place. The great thing about the Course is no matter what's going on in your life we can hang out and do the lessons together and walk each other home. So let's all take a deep breath, sweet huddle, and lots of love.
The Prayer: Loving Spirit, thank you for creating us and helping us to release our resistances on our way to you. Please strengthen our faith and help us to feel your eternal warmth and compassion especially through the dismantling of the dream, when the going gets tough and we aren't too sure of who we are. Blessed and Wholly Spirit please guide us every step of the way and help us to see things differently, like the world and our relation to it,allways.
The Workbook Lesson: "What I see is a form of vengeance." The never-ending story of dog eat dog over and over again. I judge, criticize, and belittle as you judge and attack me with vile viciousness and we all know it's your fault. Because you're mean, you don't understand, and on and on. After eons and eons and layers and layers, I want out, but have no real idea of how to do it. It even becomes hard to imagine that there is a God, or a Heaven or a way out. Enter the Course, as it slowly and systematically shows us how to stop the merry-go-round of attack thoughts on ourselves and others, and reach to our true thoughts that are hiding behind these illusions. Each lesson is designed to first help us see that we have an addiction to thinking problem, and then help us to train our minds to be still and release the images we create ourselves.
Thinking about it: So the hamster wheel needs to stop, which can be a hard thing to do when you feel justified in being that way. It actually stems from our guilt of our belief that we separated from God. So, God will naturally attack us because we left Him. I felt justified in my vengeance against God because after the shitty thing I did to Him, how could he possibly forgive me, I abandoned my Father. What thoughts and feelings do you have about God and your reasons for keeping Him separate from you?
Tips & Tricks: The biggest tip I can think of is the need to treat ourselves kindly. By now the Course has made its presence known, in a trillion ways, some we will see and some we won't, but our minds are starting to get reigned in and with that can come a sense of WTF. Please remember that this Course will bring about changes in our perception that opens the door wide for miraculous things to occur, and along with miracles come changes. So it is perfectly natural to feel off balance, or at times very uncertain of the next right move. So by your staying open to the concept of unconditional love it makes it easier to relax and accept who God has made you to be. It's all by design and God loves us very much.
Upon Closing: Whew, what a lesson, this one really focuses on the hidden guilt and shame that has helped to keep us here locked in the cycles that keep us trapped. So all the more reason to remember that WE ARE NOT ALONE. Please reach to your support systems, relax take another Calgon bath and accept God is doing for you what you can't do for yourself. Love goes a long way, so does putting down the whips and chains, realizing you are innocent, free will is just a myth and we are happily in the Garden drinking a martini and feeling love true love, on all levels and in all ways. Stay connected and know we are all one for a reason. Love & Light, Riki π