This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 29

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 29


"God is in everything I see."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hey you guys, I am so stupendously proud of us, we are doin it, we are almost a month through and still keepin on keepin on. Can you feel your brains being washed yet? Are you starting to realize that there is a tad bit more going on here than meets the eye? I am so glad we show up to walk the path together every day. I love A Course in Miracles, I have for over 30 years and the pure honor of being able to share with you a Course that has saved my life in soooo many ways, is in and of itself, one of the greatest miracles so far. I am so happy you are wanting to continue on this glorious path with me. Soft hiking boots today, and probably some time for birdwatching too. Upward and ever onward, my sweet buds.



Prayer: Glorious and blessed God, thank you for being with us on the journey, for showing us what Love looks like in all it's many forms. Thank you for finding a way to awaken us gentle and slowly. Please guide us on our way home and grant us the true eyes to see and the faith to continue. Please help us to connect to our power and might and realize how beautiful we completely are. Please send your Wholly Spirit to help us to see things differently and to bring us forward into the light. Thank you God for creating us, and for being with us Allways.


Workbook Lesson: "God is in everything I see." The peace that comes from this lesson is undeniable, if God is in everything I see, then God is with me allways. God is love, and God is in and behind everything, including me and all the illusions I imagined. The workbook lesson talks about how silly it sounds, as we try to imagine God in all these things, and since I was raised Catholic, I was taught the idea that God was on high, with the Angels and Archangels and Saints, in all His glory and everything Wholly, and we were down here, cowering in the corner. So pathetic that God had to send His only Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. So, coming from that place of indoctrination it was a lot more than silly, it was preposterous that God would be in anything like a table, or a computer, or a chair, or car, or most astounding of all, in me, after all He is God. We worship Him, pray to Him for forgiveness of our heinous nature, and beg Him not to send us to Hell, where we most deserve to be. The Course has brought me a long way in recognizing the truth, that I am the Son of God, He created me so He could play, and experience with me for all eternity. I AM Love.


Thinking it Over: It is so freeing to see so many of the blocks, ways, I was raised and taught along the way that have stood in the way of my accepting my true nature as the Son of God. And truly seeing God as the totality of everything and realizing God and I are just hanging out within a playground that we created together. What are the blocks that you were taught and raised with that stand in the way of your recognizing God?


Tips & Tricks: Today is a go with the flow day, just relaxing, putting down the doubts, worries, what ifs and insecurities, and just for one quarter of a second relax and believe that all the Course is teaching is quite likely to be real. Ya don't have to concern yourself with the hows, whys or wherefores of it, just let it be, breathe, and enjoy the peace of God, it's quite a view.


Upon Closing: What a love jaunt it was today, almost a stroll in the park, except for the crazy boulders in the way part, and the unexpected avalanches. We are so doin this, I am so glad you put on your big kid pants and decided to play. Can you guys please come out and play with me again tomorrow? Please have a blessed and sweet night and remember to do your lessons as clearly as you can. Hugs and more hugs. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Friday, January 28, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 28

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 28


"Above all else, I want to see things differently."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Ahoy Maties, I always love the time just before you arrive, it's like I'm waiting there and then all of a sudden I see ya coming over the hill and we run together and give big hugs to get us moving on to the next right lesson. Have you started to experience the miracles? Those beautiful changes in perception that bring about the coolest goodies. Today is dress up day, so dress up as the spiritual figure who most inspires you. (I hope I got his hair, moustache, and beard right) I'm praying some of him rubs off on me. I love being spontaneous, lots of times if I do it quick it takes awhile for the ego to ruin it for me. Please make sure you're taking care of yourself, rest, food, and prayer go a long way. Let's waddle like a duck to the next lesson down the road. (Can you imagine my teacher waddling?)



Prayer: My peaceful Friend, please show us how to live as you intended for us too, awake, aware, and happy to feel you allways there. Help us to release everything that keeps us in the fantasy, and from seeing the truth. Through the Wholly Spirit please teach us the ability to forgive and help us to grow a compassionate heart. You are so kind, and please help us to know you are with us and we are never alone. Thank you for teaching us, and granting us knowledge of your will and the power to carry it out. Allways.



Workbook Lesson: "Above all else, I want to see things differently." So, now we get more specific, I not only want to see above all else, I wanna see things differently, the way they truly are. I want to be cleared in such a way that I not only know the truth, I see the truth. I also love the way the Course does not go into specifics of what you might see, because then it would just leave the door open for more definitions, expectations, script writing, and illusions. It also is a deep admission of acceptance that I know seeing things as they are has created this whole problem, and that I want out of the world more than anything.  By becoming open to see things differently it starts preparing me to be willing enough to go to what ever lengths and changes in my thinking necessary I have to so I can see. This is one that has taken time for me to digest, little baby steps over and over again, and like I said yesterday, the more I can see, even start to see the benefits, I desire to see more than anything else.


Thinking it Over: I thought about this quite a bit, which thoughts of mine are so glaring that I would do anything to see differently? I think thoughts about my unlovability is a big one because it produces so much fear. Also, thoughts where I am comparing myself to other people and losing. What areas would you like to see things differently?


Tips & Tricks: This time the tip centers around keeping a journal, as the Wholly Spirit keeps tinkering with our thinking, making illusions, and my perceptions and feelings keep changing it has been extremely helpful to have a place to write stuff down and sort things out. Sometimes I would even put down new insights that I wake up with or that I get a long the way. It's also helpful for those times I would get so angry, even rageful and I needed a way to release the feelings so I wouldn't hurt anyone, including myself.


Upon Closing: What a day, that beard got awful itchy by the time we got done, I can understand why my teacher scratches his. But as usual I couldn't have got through it without you guys, the smiles, the laughs, the understanding looks just as I'm thinking about throwing the towel in. This time through the steps for me is continuing to produce huge changes, all for the best, but your love and hugs sure get me through. Please have a blessed and restful night, remember to keep the Wholly Spirit in your pocket and remember you are soooo  loved.  Love & Light, Riki 🌈


Thursday, January 27, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 27

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 27


"Above all else I want to see."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  My gentle buddies, hey, hi, I hope you are starting to get the hang of this, the connecting to Spirit in the morning and at night, and as much as you can during the day while you're doing your lessons. It can slowly become a new way of life, giving us a framework by which to awaken and awaken the world. Let's strap on our big kid panties and sing twinkle twinkle little star as we do the twist happily down the road. Hugs you guys, I'm so glad you're here.



Prayer: Blessed Wholly Spirit, please show us the way home. Please cuddle us when we're scared and uncertain and remind us of our true identity as the Son of God at those times, we falter. You are loving and kind, please help us to think differently so we can see the real world. Thank you for helping us have the determination to push on, to be at peace and to realize we are all one. Thank you for teaching us, for guiding us, and for being with us allways.



Workbook Lesson: "Above all else I want to see." This lesson is really asking you to put your money on the table and get down with it. We have been asked in different ways to affirm that we want to see. First why we should see, and then the suggestions have become more about an emphatic need and desire to see. I have found that as I see, it brings the hunger to see more and the willingness and determination to do what ever it takes. The reason I believe that it has to be above all else that I wanna see, is because there is nothing else to truly see, all else is illusion. The way the desire seems to work for me is like a bulldozer, it goes a little bit and plows down some stumps and bushes, then I can see better, until I see the next bunch of illusions in my way, like rocks and trees. Now that a lot of the debris has been removed and sight is become clearer, I want more and more, because I am starting to feel lighter and more focused, and awakening to the truth.


Thinking it Over: I went through this process of saying I wanna see more than my relationship, so I released it, I wanna see more than most of my possessions so I released them. Then of course I won't release my 5 adult kids, as far as never connecting to them again, but my thinking was changed around how I am choosing to interact with them now. I am putting my own needs ahead of my kids, not continually sacrificing for them, the way I was raised, the way a good mom should do. So, as I continued on releasing and forgiving, the clearer I really could see. And what I am seeing is God's Wholly design for me, why I was born, what my calling on earth is. What have you released so you can see better? What is standing in your way now?



Tips & Tricks: Joni Mitchell had a song with the lyrics, "don't it always seem to go that ya don't know what ya got til it's gone." While writing this essay today I was guided to look at those lyrics from a different angle. In relation to this lesson, I am looking at it like once the stuff is removed, then we truly can see what we got. I love doing things like that, taking ideas and concepts, and turning them on their heads, it makes me giggle. I love the Course for many reasons, but especially because nothing is as it seems, and just when I think I got it all sewed up, here comes another concept and another way of seeing. Stay open please and just let the good times roll.


Upon Closing: And another one bites the dust, and another lessons done, and another lessons done, and another one bites the dust.  Look at us go, playin, jumpin, skippin, huggin, keepin on, keepin on. The energy feels so good, all warm and fuzzy, first thing when we connect and then when we stop for the night. Enjoy the love, there is plenty of it to go around. Nite, Nite. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 26

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 26


"My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Good day my lovely's, I hope your night was restful and that you woke up raring to go. This lesson can be a lot of fun so let's get down and playful, and just enjoy our hike and all the little moments that comprise it. Maybe in this case I must confess my idea of fun could be a little bit askew, but the fun is actually finding the crap that we do to ourselves cause then we are open to having it undone. I always look forward to seeing your shining or not so shining faces, the Course can definitely become quite the roller coaster ride and it is so awesome to have my buddies to share it with. So without further ado, let's make like a tree and leave.



Prayer: My gentle Teacher, please help us to know your love and accept it into our being. Please help us to continue to pursue enlightenment and to be at peace with ourselves as we do. Sometimes the road feels so long and we get so weary, please send your Wholly Spirit to guide us along the way and remind us we are never alone, You are always with us so we couldn't be. We love you, and are so grateful to you for creating us, for experiencing life with us and above all for showing us the way out. Thank you for granting us the knowledge of your Wholly Will for us, and the power to carry it out, Allways.



Workbook Lesson: "My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability." I love how this lesson focuses on that the nasty angry thoughts I hold in my mind aren't attacking you, in fact they aren't doing anything to you, but they are causing me to attack me. Since we are one, if my mind is full of you, it is also full of me. So, if I'm saying stuff like, "you're so stupid, and I hate you soooo much you dumb bitch". Who do you think I am really talking to? Well, I'm saying these things to me, and it sure doesn't do much for my self-esteem, or sense of safety, because when you don't feel safe your world can become fearful very quickly. And I really doubt I let God get a word in edgewise.


Thinking it Over: I really became aware of this lesson when I was in Minnesota with my ex. and I was so upset with her about this and that, so I would run in the bathroom and just scream "that bitch", and many times a lot worse and I could really see the vicious cycle. How I would turn my attack thoughts of her on myself. Then I would be so angry at me, I would holler at myself as well, and make it a whole lot worse. What is your vicious cycle? Are you open to releasing it?



Tips & Tricks: The biggest tip here is don't beat yourself up for stuff you had no knowledge of or control over. That expression, "If I had known better, I would have done better" comes to mind, and be willing to get down on your knees with gratitude, that now you know better. I hurt so many people including myself while I lived my life in the vengeance phase, that I had to do a whole lot of surrendering, accepting and forgiving myself on all levels. So, another Calgon bath maybe is in order, and remember to call your support system if things start getting wonky. Also please remember that regardless of what sorta way you feel about the Course, please keep doing the lessons.


Upon Closing: Wow, this one did get a tad dicey, but we walked through it like we do everything else, together. Like I said previously please let's stay close, and focus on the good times, and happy hugs. Also, we've been at it for almost a month, how about that shit. That's a longtime, and you really get to know people when you bare your soul alongside them. I pray to the Wholly Spirit for ya like I do myself. Hugs y'all, and remember Spirit is not just stronger than everything, it IS everything. Gentle night and remember to do the lessons. See ya tomorrow. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 25

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 25


"I do not know what anything is for."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi lovely ones, another beautiful day of fun, joy, and getting down with our bad selves. It's an interesting thing that the more we focus on the stuff we like especially when we're going through the things we don't like, the quicker we get on the other side of the harder times. So, by the power of my power, I dub today official funny face day. As we skip on down the road let's make as many crazy faces as we can. Hugs you wonderful guys and have an awesome lesson.



Prayer: Blessed Creator, please help us to know of ourselves we have no free will. That everything is you; our breath, our light, the chair we sit on, the clothes that cover our body, even the ground we walk on, is all You, loving us. You not only created us, but you created each path we walk on, so you could walk it with us. Please give us the ability to accept our calling, to go where you would have us go, to see what you would have us see, and to say what you would have us say, and to Whom. Please help us to open our hearts and minds, to know you, REALLY KNOW YOU. So, we can know ourselves. Thank you for loving us, thank you for teaching us and for showing us we are never alone. Allways.


Workbook Lesson: "I do not know what anything is for." So I am learning something huge, the reason I don't know what to do with the stuff is I am trying to use it for my own perceived needs and ideas. Have you ever given something to a little kid that they haven't seen before, like a handful of clip-on clothespins? Since they don't know, they were designed to hang up clothes on a clothesline, they will probably attach them to many things, including themselves, but I bet when they have used all the clips, you won't find them holding up any clothes on the clothesline. Because I associate with a body, I will make my goals body focused, not love focused. Who is going to seek after total at-one-ment, or be open to using our God-given gifts in a loving and all inclusive way? Unless we can see the world through different lenses.


Thinking it over: This makes me think about all the areas I have my clothespins in the wrong place. I used my natural gift of discerning spirit given me by the Wholly Spirit to plug into people's nature to learn how to best manipulate them to get my own needs met, when I was able to step back and see what I was doing, I asked the Wholly Spirit to help me see things differently and to guide me to use my gift in the way it was intended. Now I use my clear sight to help others find their answers, and to know what most needs to be done at the right time. Where are your clothespins? Where would God have them be be?


Tips & Tricks: Developing good and consistent spiritual habits go a long way. Like remembering to take quiet time to connect to the Wholly Spirit when everything inside you says no, I would rather watch Netflix. Another good one is when you're feeling nuts or off center, to put your hand to your heart and just feel the warmth and pressure and the rhythm of your heartbeat. It's one of my favorites, along with wrapping myself up in a big fluffy blanket and having a mug of tea.


Upon Closing: Whew, my face and tongue are sore from all those funny faces I made. I brought cookies, I hope everyone likes chocolate chip, but I also brought some sugar cookies with rainbow sprinkles in case for some odd reason you don't like chocolate. Let's do a little birdwatching, I thought I saw a blue footed boobie in that tree over there, and turkeys are my absolute favorite, they are so adventurous, and they all stick together, it sounds a lot like us. Another group hug and get some good rest. Please be gentle with yourselves and know you are in my heart and thoughts. See ya tomorrow. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Monday, January 24, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 24

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 24


"I do not perceive my own best interests."

Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome: Hi we all look a little like a motley crew today, but we got love, support, and friendship for days. Sometimes the Course can have us chasing our tails, and this is no exception. I can't trust anything I think, know, understand, and now perceive. Maybe it's a good thing we are getting our mind structured. In the meantime, let's just spend this lesson feeling the love the oneness and realize we got this all day long. Race ya to the next stoplight.


Prayer: Blessed Christ, please help us to know we do not travel alone, and there is a point to everything along the way. Please grant us the open-mindedness and faith to release and accept life as we find it and know all is your Divine Will. Nothing can happen here on earth school that you are not connected too, and to awaken to your love that created us and walks with us for all eternity. Please help us to stay strong and brave as we systematically release all that keeps us from you, that keeps us from knowing our true nature. Thank you for growing us and teaching us. Always.



Workbook Lesson: "I do not perceive my own best interests." I am so glad that the workbook addresses that I will probably have more than one desired outcome to a situation in my mind and the Universe as it sets out to manifest all my conflicting desired outcomes is showing me this lesson loud and clear, I truly can not see my situation clearly enough to know what's good for me. My mom used to say a lot, 'if you know what's good for ya", you would do this or do that, or turn around and run the other way, so I think of this lesson, I get the feeling I have been designed to not know what's best for me, because if I did there would be no need for learning or being open to the lessons that Christ experiences through me, so lovingly wanting to be part of my adventures here. 


Thinking it Over:  I fully agree that many of my most profound realizations came when life had knocked me around enough so I could be teachable, led by the Wholly Spirit. I have this routine, where I will sense something is wrong and then start to rethink my desires, then double and triple think it, then get stubborn and want it anyway, then beat myself and finally exhausted I surrender. What is your routine? Where are your rest stops on the way to surrender?



Tips & Tricks: You might want to start paying attention to your spiritual urges, those little breadcrumbs of wisdom that the Wholly Spirit drops to help us stay on the right track. Like read that book, watch that podcast, go and visit that friend, all hints to help you expand your mind more and help you to see your progress. For me the inspiration may come through a line in a movie like, "a miracle is getting what you need the most, when you need it the most". One I have connected to for years, it's so important to become open minded, and accepting. I believe the Wholly Spirit always does for me what I can not do for myself. Another good tip is to look back when you started the Course and see how much your thinking has changed already, it will surprise you, it just kinda of sneaks up on ya.


Upon Closing: Did you like the slower pass this time, did it help ya to just keep smiling, and know it is all ok? I believe God puts our deepest desires in our hearts, it's kinda like a nametag when you go to school so you don't forget your name and address. As I seek God's will for me I get more of that calling in my heart that shows me where to go next. Sometimes it's simple things, but I guess the fact that it is God communicating with me, makes it really all wonderful and beautiful. I used to balk at the gut stuff or pretend it wasn't there, but the cool thing is if you don't get it the first time, don't work it will come around again. Have a peaceful and happy night. You guys are such a loving part of my life. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Sunday, January 23, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 23

A Course in Miracles
Workbook Lesson 23

"I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts."

Interpreted by Roberta Gallop

Daily Welcome: Hey my Pretties, another day in the neighborhood, learning how to love and release ourselves into the beauty which God has made. May the peace of God be upon us all, as we move forward together, allways together. Let's pretend it is Sesame Street today, I will be Bert and you guys can choose your favorites too, it might be cool to think how my character Bert would think about today's lesson of the Course. I think He would love it cause He is so literal. If I don't have thoughts of attack in my mind, my world will be peaceful and full of love. I can just imagine what Oscar the grouch would say about this one. Today promises to be a scorcher so headgear and extra water please. Can we have a group hug first, cause everything is better with a little love. Let's get a wiggle on, I love you guys sooo.

Prayer: Blessed Father, please hold us tight and help us to know in everyway that you are with us in everyway and you don't have it within you to condemn us or hurt. Please help us learn to trust love, because we are love, to know we can not be attacked in anyway for any reason, because nothing here is real. Please send your Wholly Spirit to help us with our lessons and to see things differently. Please grant us the courage and faith to keep going. No matter how triggered we get, please share with us your perfect love and peace. Thank you for helping us, thank you for teaching us. Allways.

Workbook Lesson: "I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts." I love how this lesson is so in your face.  They just spell it out for ya. When I am filled with thoughts of attack, my focus is on separation and the little self, there is no ability to release and connect to oneness. Because I am caught up in judgment, and all the rules of what you should do and I am not open to reach to light. But this lesson boldly tells you how to escape the world. So the way to give up attack thoughts is by surrendering, releasing and forgiving them. Surrendering all the thoughts and feelings attached to it, leading to acceptance, just seeing it for how it is, pure unconditional love. Then from there releasing  and from there forgiving it to the point of non-existence. That allows me to be neutral, not bad or good, just it is what it is.

Thinking It Over: Letting go of anger, bitterness, and defiance can be a very scary thing because we use these thoughts and strategies to feel safe. We are sure God has no use for us, so as we start peeling the thin, but many layers of the onion our anxiety can grow, because we can feel  defenseless and weak. ("The "W" word) When I feel that kinda of emotionally naked, I wanna get high or in relationship so I don't have to feel the vulnerability and fear that goes with it. What do you do when your triggered? Does it help?

Tips & Tricks: I have found this can be one of those lessons that truly pushes my buttons in so many ways that I wanna hide under the covers and just say the F word to everything. What Course, what lesson, what friends? Please be extra gentle with yourself. Easy does it, but do it. Try to get good rest, and don't do a whole lot of projecting, Just remember to put one foot in front of the other. You are never alone.

Upon Closing: Nice job, gentle ones. It's time for another float in the stream, clothes are definitely optional and it will help cool us off after today's zinger. Remember peace and acceptance are the thoughts for the day. Just know that many have completed these lessons and many have done it more than once, and you can do it too. Don't stop believing. Where would I be without ya? See ya tomorrow. Love & Light, Riki πŸŒˆ