This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 52

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 52


" The review for today covers Lessons 6 to 10  "



Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi blessed buds, another day, another review, it's good for the soul, but a pain in the mind stretching department. I hope you got a good night's sleep and have your journal near by the bed, for any stray shots that happen to come up. We need all the God-given insights we can get. Lots of love and pats on the back, for making it into your 2nd review lesson, and since you are this far, it is obvious you want to be here, and you got lots of guts too. So, lets show all those guts, by walking backwards through this review lesson. It kinda makes sense actually, because we are looking in the other direction, from where we came. Nice tight huggie circle and moving on down the road bassakwards. I love you guys.


Prayer: Loving Creator, thank you for being with us and experiencing through us. Sometimes we feel so lost, and scared. It is only by reaching to your strength inside that we have the faith to keep going. Please guide us gently lovingly home to you. Please grant us your light that we may see the truth. Please may the blessed and Wholly Spirit do for us what we can't do for ourselves. Thank you for creating us and thank you for teaching us. Allways.


Workbook Lesson:  " The review for today covers Lessons 6 to 10  "


"I am upset because I see what is not there." -  My little mind keeps making scenarios, having thoughts of judgement and criticism and my own little ideas of how things are, instead of seeing the Wholly Spiritual Universe of love, light and oneness as God intended.


"I see only the past." – My little self can not create without God, so my focus can only be on the past, because without my awareness of God, I see nothing real.


"My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts." – My mind is filled with the memories I made, the illusions if all images like, chairs, homes, people, situations. These I use to keep myself believing I am a body, and keeping myself little, because I believe I am separated from God.


"I see nothing as it is now." – Everything is in the past, the only way to truly see is through God's eye, in the way of Oneness. Being one with God, having only love and giving only love.


"My thoughts do not mean anything." – My thoughts are being thought separate from God, and since that is impossible, are illusory, they have no real meaning. They are of things that are not real. 


Thinking it Over: This chunk of puzzle pieces, definitely got us thinking about our situation, and this was a very helpless place for me, cause I had always prided myself on my ability to think and create, even though I did sense on some level there were huge problems under the hood. But it was by doing these lessons, and reviewing them, I became very ready to release forgive and let the Wholly Spirit help me to see things differently. I needed God huge, I was become increasing sure that my thought system was extremely faulty, but I couldn't stop the cycle within my own little mind. I beat myself up unmercifully for my supposed past wrongs and they kept me stuck for a long time. Where are the places you need God huge?



Tips & Tricks: Just another one of those reminders, especially during times of review, our heads can get a little nuts and a lot overwhelmed. And I have found the self-beating can come basically out of nowhere. In very short order on more than one review lessons I found myself wanting to just heave the Course screaming I just can't do it, I'm too stupid. So please remember to pray regularly, all day sort of if possible, and have your support system close by. Remember to get good sleep, eat regularly, and be kind to yourself and others. 


Upon Closing: That was a trip, but my legs and feet are sore from walking backwards through 5 lessons. Nothin stops us, we just keep on keepin on, no matter what. I think I'll go to the creek and stick my feet in for a good old soak. I'm not in the mood for dippin, but a good soak sounds fun. Have a gentle night, and sleep well. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Friday, February 18, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 51

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 51


" The review for today covers Lessons 1 to 5:  "



Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hey guys, I hope you are ready for our first review, it's not really scary, just different. It is nice to see you all bright-eyed and bushy tailed and ready for big hugs and a slow meander through the forest, it'll be fun, and the path turns back on itself. Drop those breadcrumbs in case we lose our way, but I highly doubt we will, cause God walks with us allways. Let's play tag from one tree to another. I just love you guys to bits. Go for it.


Prayer: My blessed and beautiful Wholly Spirit, please be with us, please show us the way home, and when things get a little freaky, please remind us that there is nothing to fear, cause God is with us always and forever. Please help us to see things differently, and to grant us God's Will for this day and the power to carry it out. Thank you for guiding us, and thank you for teaching us. Allways.


Workbook Lesson:   REVIEW 1 - Lesson 51 – Review L1 – L5


"Nothing I see means anything." – This lesson talks about the reason nothing I see means anything is because all I can make is illusions, and illusions images don't have any meaning, because I can only create with God.


"I have given what I see all the meaning it has for me." – And it goes to follow that because I am the one that made these images I see, so that is why they have all the meaning I gave them. They are basically meaningless, it is the way we make stories, and the illusion of free will, our resistances to connecting to God.


"I do not understand anything I see." –  Since what I see is the past, nothing is real or makes any sense. That is also why I am unhappy and feel confused most of the time. Because nothing is real, it is all illusion.


"These thoughts do not mean anything." – The reason the thoughts do not mean anything is because I can only create with God, and in my ego self I am unable to create. Only make illusions, and then live in the fantasy of what I see.


"I am never upset for the reason I think." – Because I am believing my own scenarios, I react to the

 way I feel, based on my judgments, but the truth is I am feeling alone and separated from God.


Thinking it Over: The review lessons can be a very interesting experience because you are able to reconnect to what you already know, and to add even more as you go along. I found that the reviews kinda knitted it all together, and even pointed out places where I thought I got the meaning, but then realized my puzzle piece was in the right place, but upside down. So today let's looks at how do these puzzle pieces fit for me? Are there any you have no conception or idea of where they go?


Tips & Tricks: The reviews always seem to show up when you want a change in the action. I find I get the most benefit from doing the exercises as they suggest, just do them, don't worry about how they show up, just let it play out. I know anything different can cause stress, but you will feel so strong when you get on the other side of each review section, and will be so proud of what you know, and what you are starting to forget. Remember everything is set up for a reason so your mind can become ordered. Be gentle with yourself please, and remember we walk with God whether we realize it or not.


Upon Closing: I am so proud of you guys, we just walked right on down the road like it was nothin. Connecting the lesson dots and having a beautiful and majestic time. Let's have a stop at the potluck church dinner again, it's so great, and it's just like a box of chocolates cause you never know what your gonna get to eat. I sure hope they have the backed beans with the little weenies, they are so yummy, and the drop biscuits soak up the gravy, perfectly. Have a blessed night my beauties and we can work on the puzzle pieces again tomorrow.

Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 50

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 50


"I am sustained by the Love of God. "


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  My glorious angels of light, good morning, I hope you look as forward to you as I do. Our meeting up and our commitment to do the lessons together means so so much to me. I enjoy writing, especially knowing you will be coming along behind me reading it. Learning some, laughing some, loving some, it all leads to awakening of the finest kind. So, for the 50th time, let's put on our backpacks, open our minds and simply go for it. Big hugs, can't forget the hugs. Yay us.



Prayer: My peaceful Creator, you play with us every minute of every day. Right here, right now, showing us what it is like to love and be loved. Letting us have every experience our little hearts desire. Wanna know what it feels to drive off a cliff at 90 miles an hour? Sure sounds like fun. Wanna know what it's like to have 10 kids? Sure sounds like fun. Wanna hit the lottery for 300 million? Sure sounds like fun. You are the best Dad ever, and you are always with us. Thank you for teaching us, thank you for giving us all we need along the way to you. And especially for loving us allways.


Workbook Lesson:  "I am sustained by the Love of God. " I love this lesson, and also what the workbook text says about it. Reminding us that we put faith in everything else but God. We take pills to heal us, we make money so we can buy the things we need to have shelter, food, clothes, and other things we believe are necessary. God's love is truly all we need, but it is very hard to see that in an illusory world. Advertising definitely adds to it as well. Buy this style clothes, and look your best, eat this food and you will be stronger and healthier, wear this cologne and women will love how you smell. Oh ya, and get this car, go on this vacation to relax, drink this drink to feel more confident. So, we have had layers and layers of this crap, over and over again. Believing it is all the love of God that keeps us in the light and happy seems a little far fetched. We do need to remember our earlier lesson that says God is in everything. 



Thinking it Over: So I'm thinking about what things I am putting in the way of God's love. A relationship, feeling special, good looks. It is so deep in our minds that it can be difficult to find, but well worth the look. What things are you putting in the way of knowing God's love? What can you recognize as God's love?



Tips & Tricks: This little gem of a lesson goes very very deep. We have been closing ourselves off and disguising God's love for so long, when I started looking at it, I was just amazed at how deep in denial I was. But if you do the work to take a good hard look at it you will be amazed too. Another reminder to take good care of yourself and treat yourself gently. These lessons are like sticking pins in a voodoo doll, you never know which one is gonna affect you and in what way, all we know for sure at some point they truly will. Try to keep things as much on an even keel as possible, getting to bed around the same time, remembering to spend time with God, Get up at around the same time, remember to eat regularly and well. I find the routine for me becomes a nice ground and helps me from flying off too far. Kinda like a place for everything and everything in its place.


Upon Closing: What a sweet and exciting day, learning about God's love. What it is, what it isn't and how unconditional it is. I feel like getting naked and jumping in the creek, I'm not dirty, just wanna splash around a bit and feel God's love, in one more way. May you guys have a really blessed night, and remember we are all in this together, and will remain together. I love you guys, thanks for being in my life. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 49

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 49


"God's Voice speaks to me all through the day. "


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  My blessed friends, learning is fun, not knowing can be fun too, when you are able to start trusting the process a little more. I hope you had a gentle night, and a loving morning, hugs my sweet students of the Course, let's keep moving on, moving on. Today we will do something really cool, we can all wear blindfolds and let God lead us, it takes big ones, but the awesome thing is, we have big ones. Every time we get nervous, we can remind ourselves that God's got it. Getting down to it.


Prayer: Blessed Christ, please lead us, we follow you blindly trusting that where you take us is where you would have us be. Please strengthen us, please heal our minds, please show us the way, no matter what it looks like in our confused state. Thank you for never leaving us, and for talking to us every step of the way. We get scared, we get cocky, we get tired, we don't care, please never drop our hands, please never let go. Loving Wholly Spirit, please do for us that which we can not do for ourselves. Thank you for guiding us, thank you for teaching us. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "God's Voice speaks to me all through the day." This one is a little different, but it sure got me to lookin within and paying attention to the different ways that God communicates with me. At first, I would think it said God would talk to me like a person would so I could hear Him in my ears. But I have come to realize that God does speak to me in so many ways. Like I can be reading a client and I hear myself giving an answer that I know is for me too.  Sometimes I will listen to a song or watch a movie and a phrase will stick in my mind. Or when I am out and about, I'll hear people talking and even though they aren't talking to me, what they said hit home, and I got my answer. Often though it is an inner sense of knowing, like in my heart, or my gut. But I know my Father's voice when I hear it, however I hear it.


Thinking it Over: I think when it comes to God's voice, it's not just hearing it in different ways, but the trusting, the believing of it. I will pray for God's will and then when I get the message from God, the hardest part is to believe it and believe I am not gonna screw it up. And of course, if it turns out well, then I think it was God's will and if it turns out shitty then I believe it was my will. What does God's voice sound like to you? Do you believe the message?



Tips & Tricks: The more you can take time to be still and get used to the energy of Spirit, the easier you will know. One of tricks about this situation and the idea about what is my will and what is God's will, is very hard to decipher at first but very simple when you finally get to the understanding that it's all God's Will, there is only an illusion of free will. If you're confused, it's God's Will, if you're totally sure, it's God's Will, if you're hating yourself and don't believe God is speaking to you at all. Guess what? It is still God's Will. There is a lot of good stuff to ponder here.


Upon Closing: That was a definite trip, and a huge lesson in trust, putting our money where our mouth is. I thought it was gonna be a complete disaster, but it wasn't. We were giggling and playing every step of the way. Thank you, guys, for hanging in there with me. Remember to do your quiet time throughout the day and at night, letting Him in the very best you can. Just know He loves us, He made us, and He will never leave us, ever. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 48

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 48


" There is nothing to fear."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hey sweeties, another day, another lesson, more hugs and caring and we move on down the road again, getting ever closer to enlightenment. Hanging out is so much fun. That it makes it all worth it, I told my teacher today that my motivation is of course getting certified in the Teacher of Teachers program, but even more than that is you guys, spending time, giving support and not feeling alone. Time to go play race car around the track. You guys rock.


Prayer: Gentle and loving Father, please help, we know you are with us, we know you are our strength, but sometimes this world feels crazy and we don't always remember. Please grant us your strength to understand, your hope that we can make it to the end. And your sweet love, so we can find the love in ourselves. Thank you for helping us along the way, and thank you for being our teacher. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  " There is nothing to fear." I think this lesson falls under the no shit category, because God is allways with me, I see with God, I think with God, and my strength is from God. So, I am sure there is nothing to fear. But it is a huge reminder when I am thinking with the little self, and I am not in touch with God's strength things can get very very brutal. I buy right into the helplessness, total victim, not special, no one loves me and can't find God anywhere. This lesson reminds us that there is never anything to fear, whether we are aware of it or not. When we are in that state of weakness all we need do is call on God asking for His strength and being open to it. I also ask the Wholly Spirit to help me see it a different way. When I am in that acceptance that there is nothing to fear I feel the peace of God, I know that God is in His Heaven and all is right with the world.


Thinking it Over: Now that I am deeper into the Course I don't seem to get as scared as I used too. The weird thing was my ego mind knew what my fear triggers were and would systematically wake me up at around 2 or 3, and start right in. You're sick, you are weak and pathetic, you will be alone, no one cares, you are so ugly no one would ever want you, you are going to die penniless on the street. By the time it got done with it's rant I was a crying shaking mess. Since I am stronger in the Course and doing my releasing and forgiving the fear doesn't get the foot hold it used to have. What are your fear triggers?



Tips & Tricks: By now we are starting to get into a beautiful routine of meeting up, doing the lesson, thinking about the questions, getting tips along the way, and I am starting to feel real good about the flow of things I hope you are too. I know life and the ego sometimes conspire to get us to shift things up, but as much as you can please connect to the Wholly Spirit when you awake, then do your lesson as soon as possible. Sometimes having a journal of your journey is a good idea. Also think about writing the exercises for the day on a card or paper so you have something right there when you need it. Read this blog if it helps and do your connecting at night. And if you get out of the rhythm, don't get upset with yourself. Just be gentle  and trust God.

Upon Closing: I am so pleased with our progress, and I am glad that we ain't just saying we're doing it, we are actually doing it, and doing it together. Today was a busy happy day in ACIM land, we kept a good pace and it felt like we are a tight knit unit. Please remember to do your lessons, remember you are not alone, never, and that we have friends in high places. Have a peaceful night, and we will see ya tomorrow.  Love & Light, Riki 🌈

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 47

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 47


"God is the strength in which I trust. "


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hey you guys, this is a new day with new messages and new ways to learn them. Truly it all takes us to the same place, and I am blessed to have my buddies to get there with. Friends are awesome, and so much fun, doesn't matter whether your going to school in kindergarten or going to school in ACIM, all is good, cause all is God. Let's get on some comfy clothes and just enjoy it all. Don't take the ride, let the ride take us through the next lesson.



Prayer: My gentle Christ, the experiencer, the who we truly are when we just let us be who we are designed to be. Enjoying ourselves every step of the way without worry, or regret. Life as it was made to be lived. Please guide us through the power of your Wholly Spirit to just simply be. Please truly grant us knowledge of your will and the power to carry it out. Also please remind us that you are doing for us what we can not do for ourselves. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "God is the strength in which I trust. " I thought this lesson was pretty cool, it reminds us that left to our little selves we have no strength at all, why? Because we are basically a computer enhanced fantasy. We are little robots of God. We were designed by God and our strength like everything else comes from God. You may have noticed the last bunch of lessons have focused on how the focus in on how we do everything with God, and nothing apart from God. When we see ourselves as real and try to us our strength, we stay small, weak and pathetic. When we trust the strength of God within us we can do anything God would have us do. Remember one of the hardest lessons to get is that we do not have free will, we have the illusion of free will, that means we are programmed to believe we have free will, that we have the ability to make choices, about what we think, what we do, where we go. But the truth is that we are made by design, to play the game God has created us to play, to fulfil the calling that has been set for us to awaken the world.



Thinking it Over: Sometimes it is quite easy to accept that I can't, God can, I think I'll let Him. Other times my little self either did not get or did not believe the memo. I am all powerful, I got this all day long, and I don't need God, I don't need anyone. The problem with this thinking is that I don't think I need God until I am placed in a situation that helps me to know that I do indeed need God's strength allways. One of my favorite analogies is when I have convinced myself I can wear a size 8 dress, now, the truth here is God made me a sturdy size 16 on a good day. So, what is gonna happen when I put this size 16 frame into a size 8 dress? All of a sudden the awareness that how God has made me is how I am becomes very clear. What messages has the little self and free will been telling you?



Tips & Tricks: I know, I know, so much to get and a lifetime to get it in. But what I have noticed when it comes to the Course, is that everything flows in an orderly direction, you might say by God's design. The best tip I can tell you is to just focus on asking God regularly for knowledge of his will and the power to carry that out. It takes all the guess work out of it, we put our faith in God's strength and move on down the road. Life on life's terms can be an amazing blast when you let yourself out to play.


Upon Closing: Wow that was a blast, it is wonderful when we can start realizing that God is truly doing for us what we can not do for ourselves and having that faith to just let God drive. I loved having you guys with me every minute, and after an awesome rest, I can't wait to get at it again tomorrow. Sleep Well. Love & Light,  Riki 🌈

Monday, February 14, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 46


"God is the Love in which I forgive. "


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi my fellow sweet and adventurous students, I hope your night was restful and your morning has been eye-opening and fun. I love you guys sooo much, and you truly are the highlight of my day. Just big huggies and lots of compassion. Sometimes these lessons can get a little scary so let's put on our most creative monster costumes and scare them right back. Mine is a black and pink feathered duck that moos like a cow, it is so empowering to just be regardless of who cares or who doesn't. Let's head on down the road being our beautiful scary monster selves. Enjoy.


Prayer: Loving Higher Power, please show us how to have compassion for ourselves and others, please remind us that we are worth it. That we are not small, little or mistakes, but You in disguise. We follow your lead, usually we don't know where you're taking us, but we are willing, and have the faith to keep going, no matter what. Thank you for sending your Wholly Spirit to help us forgive, thank you for teaching us. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "God is the Love in which I forgive. "  I enjoy this lesson, because for us it truly is the way out. With God's love which is the acceptance of everything we can just forgive our little selves and the world right out of existence. It is the only answer for these illusions, stories, images, and layers we keep making, over and over again. We use God's love which is oneness, since we are not separate to be the eraser, of the resentments I have against you, the memories of how awful and nasty you are, the judgements and criticism and the rules and boxes that are here everywhere on earth. I find with God's love I can see my brother as myself and as I release everything in the way of seeing the truth, the only thing that remains is God's love. Also, it sure is a lot nicer to not have to feel all pinchy and angry or little and scared. Because forgiveness shows me the truth about our identity as Christ, the Son of God.



Thinking it Over: This lesson is so beneficial, I have released and forgiven many areas at different times over the years especially with the 12 step process. It's like when I have truly forgiven something including the memories, I usually don't think of it anymore. And I just keep doing life and releasing and forgiving and then something will jog the memory, but I find I don't seem to respond to it anymore. Like when I talked with my son today He reminded me of past stuff and I didn't even remember it clearly. What memories have you released that came up again? How did you deal with it?



Tips & Tricks: Please remember to be just plain good to yourself, you are doing an awesome job, and sometimes we can get kinda in a zone with all the changes and ordering that is going on in our heads, learning how to be your own best friend can go a long way in making the transition as smoothly as possible. Just accepting God doesn't make mistakes and you don't have to always know why you feel what you feel, in fact sometimes just feeling it, letting the river flow is the best idea.  Remember to do the usual, eat well, rest well, pray well, and give yourself hugs on a regular basis.


Upon Closing: That was an emotional one, but it's not too tough for us cause we scared the pants off of everything that got in our way. Rough, tough, and filled with the Wholly Spirit. Picnic time, I brought us some cheese and crackers, and the cold cider is at the creek. I'm gonna just lay back with my buds and see shapes in the clouds again. I see a Rhino eating a snake, and that one to the left looks like Daffy Duck. Please remind yourself often it is perfectly acceptable to breathe and smell the roses. Sometimes you just gotta let your freak flag fly. All my gratitude for you showing up everyday to awaken and help me awaken. Have a yummy night. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Sunday, February 13, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 45

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 45


"God is the Mind with which I think. "


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  My lovely blossoms of awareness, you are so getting this, I am so grateful to know you and to have the pleasure of watching you grow. I so love our time together, and just pointing out things of interest along the way. You are all glowing more and bringing such beautiful light with you. Big group hugs, and lots of sparkles along our way. Race ya to the next stop light. Thank you for making my life.


Prayer: I love you my Father, you who created me and lives through me. You created a Riki, in all your magnificence and ability you made a me, you thought me into existence, thank you for that. I know I have complained to you on many occasions, and have definitely questioned your sanity, but I have never not felt you in some way. Please help us grow, please grant us the strength to hang in there. To not question and just to feel and be, and live and love in you. Thank you for loving us and teaching us. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "God is the Mind with which I think. " It is so silly, my little mind is within God's total mind, everything I see, do, and now think is within the Mind of God. This is a wonderful lesson cause I can't see without God, be without God, think without God, and so I guess this kinda begs the question, what am I without God? Nothing, absolutely nothing. But the good news is, there is a God, and these series of lessons are trying to point out to the mind of my little self in a gentle sweet way. That there is no me, really. Just the condition of split mind that makes me believe I am me. It's cool, it's like a litte kid thinking like His daddy thinks and imitating his daddy every step of the way. If God had not created the thought of the knowledge of good and evil, we would not be here, we would not be anywhere, and our Dad would just go back to being bored all the time. So, it's a win/win when ya think about it.



Thinking it Over:  The more I do the Course and understand and absorb it, the more it points back to this concept of a loving father that wanted somebody to play with. If I were a bored God what I would create to play with is a teeny tiny eeny weeny little world that I could hang on a chain around my neck.  And enjoy the creativity and aliveness of it all. If you were a bored God, what would you create?



Tips & Tricks: It is wonderful for us to get the concept that God and I are one, and I can't think without God. Just a little check-in as we start creeping in slowly on a couple months of the Course and even just a few lessons away from our first set of reviews. Reviews can be a lot of fun if you don't try to cram to much in, just more of a light looky see reminder, of what we have already been over, just a simple little memory jogger, nothing else. And definitely not an invitation to beat the crap out of yourself for where you think you are not, and where you think you are supposed to be. Besides you don't have much control over where you are anyway.


Upon Closing: I know we have been going at a jogging pace, but we are getting used to it, and are quite the team. I hope you had fun on this one, a little jaunt never hurt anyone. Remember we are all here for you, you are never alone, and this craziness is just God's way of calling us home. Isn't it nice to have a Huge friend in high places. I have a hankering for some jelly beans, I think I saw some close by the creek, let's go check it out and then get some well deserved rest. Tender hugs, my buddies. May your night be gentle and filled with the peace of God.

Love & Light, Riki 🌈