A Course in Miracles
Workbook Lesson 52
" The review for today covers Lessons 6 to 10 "
Interpreted by Roberta Gallop
Daily Welcome: Hi blessed buds, another day, another review, it's good for the soul, but a pain in the mind stretching department. I hope you got a good night's sleep and have your journal near by the bed, for any stray shots that happen to come up. We need all the God-given insights we can get. Lots of love and pats on the back, for making it into your 2nd review lesson, and since you are this far, it is obvious you want to be here, and you got lots of guts too. So, lets show all those guts, by walking backwards through this review lesson. It kinda makes sense actually, because we are looking in the other direction, from where we came. Nice tight huggie circle and moving on down the road bassakwards. I love you guys.
Prayer: Loving Creator, thank you for being with us and experiencing through us. Sometimes we feel so lost, and scared. It is only by reaching to your strength inside that we have the faith to keep going. Please guide us gently lovingly home to you. Please grant us your light that we may see the truth. Please may the blessed and Wholly Spirit do for us what we can't do for ourselves. Thank you for creating us and thank you for teaching us. Allways.
Workbook Lesson: " The review for today covers Lessons 6 to 10 "
"I am upset because I see what is not there." - My little mind keeps making scenarios, having thoughts of judgement and criticism and my own little ideas of how things are, instead of seeing the Wholly Spiritual Universe of love, light and oneness as God intended.
"I see only the past." – My little self can not create without God, so my focus can only be on the past, because without my awareness of God, I see nothing real.
"My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts." – My mind is filled with the memories I made, the illusions if all images like, chairs, homes, people, situations. These I use to keep myself believing I am a body, and keeping myself little, because I believe I am separated from God.
"I see nothing as it is now." – Everything is in the past, the only way to truly see is through God's eye, in the way of Oneness. Being one with God, having only love and giving only love.
"My thoughts do not mean anything." – My thoughts are being thought separate from God, and since that is impossible, are illusory, they have no real meaning. They are of things that are not real.
Thinking it Over: This chunk of puzzle pieces, definitely got us thinking about our situation, and this was a very helpless place for me, cause I had always prided myself on my ability to think and create, even though I did sense on some level there were huge problems under the hood. But it was by doing these lessons, and reviewing them, I became very ready to release forgive and let the Wholly Spirit help me to see things differently. I needed God huge, I was become increasing sure that my thought system was extremely faulty, but I couldn't stop the cycle within my own little mind. I beat myself up unmercifully for my supposed past wrongs and they kept me stuck for a long time. Where are the places you need God huge?
Tips & Tricks: Just another one of those reminders, especially during times of review, our heads can get a little nuts and a lot overwhelmed. And I have found the self-beating can come basically out of nowhere. In very short order on more than one review lessons I found myself wanting to just heave the Course screaming I just can't do it, I'm too stupid. So please remember to pray regularly, all day sort of if possible, and have your support system close by. Remember to get good sleep, eat regularly, and be kind to yourself and others.
Upon Closing: That was a trip, but my legs and feet are sore from walking backwards through 5 lessons. Nothin stops us, we just keep on keepin on, no matter what. I think I'll go to the creek and stick my feet in for a good old soak. I'm not in the mood for dippin, but a good soak sounds fun. Have a gentle night, and sleep well. Love & Light, Riki π