This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 71

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 71


"Only God's plan for salvation will work."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hey my beloveds, when I read the ego's plan for salvation it surely made sense that my need to control has always been so front and center in my life. After all we do want salvation, it just isn't possible this way. I am so glad you showed up, this is gonna be a fun walk down the path. Today is purposefully forgetting day, lets all wear our favorite clothes with one little twist, purposefully forget to wear one article of clothing, like pants, a shoe, or something else. Just to see how it changes our perspective. Big group hugs and lots of love along the way.



Prayer: Blessed Wholly Spirit, please help us to become ready to just go through the intentional motions of releasing grievances and forgiving everything, including the ego. Please help us to be open to seeing things differently, and also to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Thank you for being with us always, and continuing to show us the way out and coming up with different hints and tips that help us find the way out. Also please help us to trust God's plan for our salvation. Thank you for being with us allways, and for teaching us.



Workbook Lesson:  "Only God's plan for salvation will work." It is interesting how God's plan for salvation involves releasing all grievances through forgiveness, and the ego's plan involves holding on to grievances and changing the things around me I am upset about so they can suit me. I believe it when the Course says only God's plan for salvation will work because I have tried the ego's plan forever and I just stay separated, filled with anger and bitterness and also trying to control people, places and things in my life so I can love them and I can be saved. When I look at it like the lesson describes it does sound destined to fail. That is why in God's plan of forgiving all my grievances of the world it would work because the forgiveness is not just about what bodies did or didn't do to me or for me, it's about forgiving to the point where there are no people and situations, I just forget everything, including the world as I know it.



Thinking it Over: When I first read about the ego's plan for salvation, I truly felt like I had written it myself. Resent the world and make everyone change so I won't have grievances against them anymore. That kept my focus on everything else but me and took the responsibility of forgiveness completely off me. After all it's not my fault if other people do stupid things, or is it? And if we are one, how could it really involve other people? What do you think of the ego's plan for salvation? Can we be saved without release and forgiveness?



Tips & Tricks: In the Bible it says, "Love others as I have loved you". So, using that model as a recipe for salvation can move us a long way down the road towards awakening to our true nature as the Son of God. This one shows so clearly why holding on to grievances can be the one thing that keeps us from salvation. Forgiveness and acceptance becomes the plan of the day. Looking through your mind at the petty slights and the definitions and expectations that lead to grievances and releasing them as quickly as possible. The tip here is to not then turn it on yourself and use it as an excuse to beat and control the heck out of yourself. A simple forgiveness of self will help this snowball from rolling downhill.


Upon Closing: Now I know this was a wonky themed day, so I apologize for thinking of it, but if it helped you look at things from a different angle, and then I hope you forgive me. I do love how the lessons are narrowing their focus and helping us to order our mind. Let's play a little game of "Simon Says' to remind us of what the frustration of trying to control the world feels like. Have an awesome and enlightened day, and sleep well. Love and Light, Riki 🌈


Friday, March 11, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 70

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 70


"My salvation comes from me."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Blessed day my beauties, I am so excited that we get to play, grow, and love as we awaken together. Sometimes I can get a little tired of the same routine, but I also know the Course is helping us to calm our mind, and not go so nuts. Big group hug and then just take a leisurely walk with those I care about and who are just as dedicated as I am.



Prayer: Blessed and loving Father, we get so weary, especially when you tell us the little self down here can't save us, and only the Christ Self can. Please grant us the knowledge of your wholly will for us and the power to carry that out. Thank you for creating us and for being with us on this journey. I am glad we are not alone, and that we can feel your love within us. Thank you for leading us home and for teaching us. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "My salvation comes from me." I just enjoy this one to pieces, it takes a little remembering, but it does tell the truth. My salvation, my awakening comes from my Christ self and not my little self. I can have all these plans, hopes, wishes and dreams, but here in separation land, nothin means nothin. So, it is when I stay open and allow Christ to come through me that the salvation of the world happens. My salvation does not come from how much money I have, or how good my job is, or how wonderful my husband is or how many friends I have, it comes from God. It does not depend on how smart or how pretty I am, how hard I study or if I have plastic surgery on everything. It comes from reaching, releasing, forgiveness and holding space for it to happen. It brought comfort to me, because if it was up to my little me, I would be concerned and rightly so I would mess it up and would so bury myself I would never see the light. So, by working the Course and allowing it to order our mind, we can slow down enough to see.



Thinking it Over: I thought my salvation came from being so special that everyone wanted me. I thought my salvation came from being in a relationship where I was loved and cared for. I thought my salvation came from how many good deeds I did and how kind and compassionate I was. So, I was so surprised when I realized when my Higher Self says it's time, then it's time. Where did you think your salvation came from? What did you do to try to bring it about?



Tips & Tricks: The tip is about realizing my little self can do very little, and to pray for the faith to believe God is doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves. A lot of times we will judge ourselves based on what we believe we are supposed to do, and we should our selves to death. As long as I think I am God and that I have free will, then I will believe everything depends on me. So, it is important to just let things happen as they do and not get caught up in the timing or the details. Remember to be in the moment as much as possible. Trying to define things or have expectations of things can be a setup. We either end up resentful because something didn't happen or something did happen.


Upon Closing: Well, that was so relaxing and it was great to just move along at our own pace, knowing that salvation is not in my timing but, God's. I think a nice dunk in the creek, clothing optional is just what the doctor ordered. Just a gentle and relaxing soak and just enjoy this moment, without stress or strain, or definition. Then let's eat some yummy apples and relax in the cool grass. The feeling of knowing you are right where you are supposed to be, especially with those you love and respect. Please have a blessed night and get plenty of rest. Love & Light, Riki 🌈


Thursday, March 10, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 69

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 69


"My grievances hide the light of the world in me."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Howdy Partners, it is lovely to see you and I hope your night was restful and your morning gentle. I know these lessons are giving the impression that releasing grievances is the easiest thing in the world, and I agree that it is a pattern that does not come naturally, but it is a tool of the Course that we can use, probably not skillfully at first, but like anything else practice makes perfect, or in this case practice makes Ascension. I love the feeling of connectedness and determination we feel when we are together, we are invincible, we can do anything. So let's put on our best cowboy gear and mosey on down the road. Big hugs you guys.



Prayer: Wholly Father, thanks for bringing us along for the ride, thanks for showing us the way to have fun and adventures, while we are learning our way back to you with a burning love inside, that you put there in the first place. Please help us to know your wholly will for us this day and the strength to carry that out. Also please be with us always and through the Wholly Spirit do for us what we can't do for ourselves. Thank you for creating us and never leaving us. And thank you for teaching us every step of the way. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "My grievances hide the light of the world in me." The way we see, what we choose to see either shows us the true world without separation or it shows us the world we have made by our free will, filled with anger, criticism, and judgement. While I am seeing a world that is filled with the knowledge of good and evil, I am seeing separation, because it is either or, good or bad, right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy. There is no oneness, wholeness, at – one – ment or light perceived anywhere. So, since we have the little mind and the God mind within us, and we are made to see with the little mind through the physical body, we perceive everything as darkness, to the point that we can't see the light within us. As we surrender the grievances through releasing and forgiving them. more of the light of Christ comes in and we can start to see a whole lot clearer.



Thinking it Over:  When they put it like that it makes a whole lot of sense, so then I can look to myself and ask myself again like in the previous lessons, what grievances are keeping me from seeing? It reminds me to release them as soon as they show up. Forgiving them to the point where they are no longer there, where it is neutral with no thought one way or the other. In 12 step recovery, the 10th step talks about taking a personal inventory nightly to review our day, and where we were wrong promptly admitted it. I like bringing this step in to my nightly routine because these wrongs or perceived wrongs are what can become grievances and stand in the way of my standing in the light.



Tips & Tricks: Adding that personal nightly inventory would probably be a very good tip, and another one would be to keep up on your journal and look back at it from time to time, so you can see if there is a pattern to your resentments, bitternesses, and grievances, so you can stay vigilant and catch stuff early, before it turns into a full-on blackout. Remember praying to the Wholly Spirit in the morning and night, and then as much as you can throughout the day can help you to be more in alignment with the light. You don't need to beat yourself up around having grievances it can definitely happen frequently, especially when we are designed too.



Upon Closing: Hey we did it again, yay. I gain so much satisfaction from being able to share my love for ACIM and my joy of teaching with you guys. We went at a pretty fast clip today, please make sure to take it easy and rest, remember to incorporate the suggestions into your daily program and don't forget to yourself, and be kind with the world. See you tomorrow, love & light, Riki. 🌈

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 68

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 68


"Love holds no grievances."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi you amazing guys, I hope all is well with you and that your ACIM experience is going well for you. Part of my caring is not just sharing wonderous and yummy time with you, but also really asking and wanting to know how are you doing? Are you getting the hang of this or are you struggling? The ego part will want you to be confused, and to hide in shame and not tell anyone about your concerns, so if it is getting wonky for you, please tell on yourself. Now with that serious stuff out of the way, let's have big huggies and enjoy our time together as we follow the mellow brick road, last one there's a pickled artichoke with strawberry jam.



Prayer: My Blessed Christ, I know we are one and we walk as one. Please help me to awaken to all we are, so we can experience the world that has been created as one for us to play and grow and love. Help me release from who I believe myself to be, so I can accept who I am. I wish only to be the Light of the world and as I awaken, we awaken. Thank you for guiding us and for teaching us. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "Love holds no grievances." This one is all about acceptance. Love accepts what is without question. Love is neutral. It sees no differences or definitions. All is one and beautiful, cause all is God. It is teaching me that when I am focusing on splits and grievances, I am distorting love. When I can release my grievances and forgive any perception of judgement, then I will be able to release more and feel my true nature as the Son of God. Truly seeing that my resentments and grievances keep me in the world, and keep me seeing bodies. Physicality is created by grievances, resentments, bitternesses, doubts, worries, fears, and separations. So, by accepting everything as it is, we are brought to that place of non-judgement, neutrality. That allows us to feel, know, be only the love we truly are, and fulfill our function as the light of the world.



Thinking it Over:  This lesson is good but oh so scary, Sometimes I like to get a sense of my progress by how well I can relate to the lessons. In this case I look at how many grievances still in my life and start thinking it will probably take about 20 more lifetimes to clean up all my crap. It is about the willingness to let go and let God, and get in the habit of spotting grievances, asking the Wholly Spirit to help you see things a different way, and then forgiving everything to the point of forgetting. This method has worked in so many areas of my life, like disputes with family, relationships, unhealthy childhood issues, low self-esteem, and a lot more. What is your method? What areas have you used it on?



Tips & Tricks: One of the tips that this lesson brings up for me is to start getting into a responsible mind set about my daily curriculum concerning the Course. We have been at it for over a couple months now, so that tells me your serious and your studies and not here by accident. So, taking a look at how you are practicing your spiritual program every couple months throughout this year just makes sense. Are you getting lazy? Are you getting fired up with passion? Are you taking good loving care of yourself?  Are you being as honest with yourself as you can? Answering these kinds of questions for yourself will go a long way in keeping you on track.


Upon Closing: Wow, we aced it once again. We are becoming a well-oiled machine, and boy is it fun. So as we work on the just being and letting go of grievances, the more we just are, we become capable of following the script as God intended. I have a hankering for brown beans and buttermilk biscuits, so let's take a little walk to the church potluck again, I love their carrots too. Have a blessed day and gentle night, and I'll see y'all tomorrow.

Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 67

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 67


"Love created me like itself."



Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Welcome, my blessed buddies, this is fun, and I so look forward to those smiles of anticipation as our eyes meet and we get ready to go forward on another great adventure into the inner recesses of our mind and discover more great truths about who we really are, and where we really are. The company is so appreciated, I feel more comfortable going into the weird and unknown places because I got you guys with me. Today will be a Madonna day, so let's get on our tightest stretches and coned bras, nice group hug and let's move on down the road. You guys' rock.



Prayer: My Precious Father, I know you created me mighty, but I feel so weak, You created me from Your love and I have lost my way, and distorted the truth of my being. Please grant me awareness and enlightenment, please show me how to love myself as you so love me. Answer our prayers that we may bring Light to the world. Thank you for never leaving us and thank you for teaching us. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "Love created me like itself." This is one of those no shit lessons, that seems so obvious it doesn't need saying, but in the name of clarity the Course does go there. Love created me like itself and God is love, so I am love. True, but hard for me to conceive of when I see myself as only a weak, pathetic body. My Father created me like Himself. I have joy, and happiness, and peace, and the need to give love a s love has been given to me. When I can stay in that place, think with that mind, then I am free, to be as God has created me to be. I feel only the oneness of myself and my Father. We are still here but seeing with the mind of God there is only wholeness and togetherness.



Thinking it Over: This is so beautiful, and it feels so gentle, I start getting a little frustrated with me, because if it is that obvious why can't I see it? I just get so caught up in the stories I tell myself, the false illusions, and limitations. It's like knowing on some level this simply the truth and when I try to reach for it, then it dissolves in my hands. The answer is to remember and believe in my innocence, and releasing, forgiving, and accepting things as they are even if I can't understand them or don't believe them. So, this might be a good place for me to act as if. If I truly believed I was made of love and had only love within me I would pray a lot, and work on paying attention to my self-talk and ask the Wholly Spirit for help to see only the truth. How would you act if you acted as if?


Tips & Tricks: Sometimes these obvious gentle lessons can bring up sneaky emotions, like guilt and shame, even anger or bitterness. So please make sure to have your support system close by and be very, very easy with yourself. If you do start feeling overwhelmed or disconnected then please reach out, and also release and forgive to the Wholly Spirit and ask Him to help you see things differently. Please remember we are innocent, that we have been on an adventure for ions that we weren't even aware of so by accepting things as they are we can stop reacting and just let God do His thing.


Upon Closing: Hey you Divas, that was a total and complete blast, I loved the walk and the talk and the hugs and the cute outfits and everything that helps me to not feel alone, and to know we are truly all in this together. You guys mean so much to me, and it validates that God is using me in the most wonderous of ways. Please remember to get rest and do the daily exercises along with the lessons. Eat well, exercise well, be loving to yourself and get good sleep. Also please remember to take time for quietness with God, so we can keep the connection option. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Monday, March 7, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 66

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 66


"My happiness and my function are one."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  My precious students of the Course, a great big howdy. Today is for lovin, feelin, and trusting the process of the Course. I love seeing your sleepy yet smiling faces every morning, I love my hugs and good wishes and that feeling of knowing this is part of my function. How do I know it is part of my function? It makes me happy. It's a beautiful sunny day, and the temperature is perfect for another amazing lesson. So big group hug, and time to do it, to it. Thank you all so much for being in my life.


Prayer: Blessed Wholly Spirit, please help us and guide us along the way. Sometime we feel strong and focused and then other times, our feet fly out from underneath us and we fall on our asses. And it feels sooo good to know you are right there to pick us up, dust us off, and move us forward. Thank you for your faith and hope for without it we ain't goin anywhere. Please grant us knowledge of God's Wholly will for us and the power to carry that it. Also please do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Thank you for being with us, and teaching us along the way. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "My happiness and my function are one." I have always believed that God speaks to us through our hearts. So, I look at what motivates me, what makes me happy. What I have learned is ACIM makes me happy and has always made me happy. I have got confused by the Course over the years, and I have even got bored with it, but it fills me and gives me purpose. It makes me happy to teach also, and I feel fulfilled when I am learning and helping people. I have been doing little bits of my purpose at different times throughout the years. An old song says, "You know you got it, when it makes you feel good". So, bringing light to the world when we do it in the fashion we are designed too, will make us feel good. So, for me, following my teacher, learning to bring the message of the Course to others, and helping the Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne, to bring his spiritual messages forward in different ways. That fills me with light and as I feel the light my heart feels happy.



Thinking it Over: In the beginning of doing the Course it is often the case that we aren't sure what our function is, or how to bring it forward. But I do believe if we pray and stay in lane doing the lessons God will bring us to different parts that do awaken our happiness. For me it started with sharing my gifts with others made me happy, having them calling me confused and unclear of what to do next, and then help them find that happy place, in turn made me happy. What makes you happy? What ways do you share your function?



Tips & Tricks: This lesson does make me feel happy, and it also brings up the tip of staying in your bliss, being grateful for your happiness every chance you get, and don't let the ego and your fear or negativity keep you from daring to feel happy, daring to enjoy your life and believing that you do have a function, that you are entitled to feel good about what you do. Please remember God designed us this way, and I'll give you a hint, when it comes to your function you don't have a hell of a lot of choice. So, please sleep well, eat well, and reach to the light allways. Also please remember that this blog is only set up as a little help and encouragement along the way, and that it is important to do your lessons in the workbook everyday, and use this as just the lil cherry on top.


Upon Closing: That was a pleasant and happy jaunt, so I am sure it is an indication our function is not far behind. The day was so blessed and the company was even better than that. Have a yummy, lovely day and peaceful night. I love you guys, let's keep right on going for it again tomorrow. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Sunday, March 6, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 65

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 65


"My only function is the one God gave me."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hey my loves, thanks for showing up, in some ways this expanding and awakening process is soooo awesome and in others it will test you every which way including loose. I have so much admiration for my teacher because he didn't just walk through the process of ascension, after achieving it he came back to show others how to do it. It is a strong motivation for me to continue on this path. You are my motivation too, because I get to help, I get to show by my humble example and I can feel inspired and useful. I love you guys so much. Let's move on down the road arm in arm, going for it, together.



Prayer: Dear Father I am in pain, please help me to know the truth, please show me the way home no matter what. Please use this emotional pain to heal and motivate me. Please lay me open that I may see my innocence, and know there is nothing to fear, ever. Please guide me so that I may know the truth, and at those times when the darkness threatens to swallow me whole, remind me I am not alone and never have been. Thank you for showing us the way home and for teaching us every step of the way. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "My only function is the one God gave me." This lesson like the previous ones has us look at what God has created for us to do, versus the desires of the little self. Especially when it comes to the goals, we have used to define us. The only function I have is to awaken and awaken the world. Bringing the light to the world, by releasing all the goals and definitions I have set for myself. I remember watching Steve Martin in "The Jerk", and as he was extremely upset and leaving his house, he kept coming up with things he needed before he could leave. "I don't need anything except this lamp, I don't need anything except this lamp and this table, I don't need anything except this lamp and this table and this…" It so reminds me of how I keep adding things to define my purpose. And with each thing I add, there are new expectations of what I need to fulfill it. With each new layer I get further from my true function as light bearer.



Thinking it Over:  This lesson made me take a deep look at the many decisions I make, and how any decision other than releasing myself to God to use me as it be His design for me, will just keep covering up my function. The thing that gets to me is that many of my goals are what I consider healthy and right and helpful, but because they are made by my little self, they are not in alignment with my function of salvation. Wanting to be the best ACIM teacher, wanting to author books, can be against my divine function. The only way I know the truth is to let go and let God guide me in every way. Where do your goals and your divine function collide? How might you release your self-defined goals?



Tips & Tricks: Sometimes when we don't know the best way through something is to pray to the Wholly Spirit to help us see things differently. To ask for the clarity to know the next right thing, and the strength to do it, whatever it is, whatever it takes. At those times of deep triggering or internal crisis, please recognize it is by design so that you can release the obstacles in the way of ascending. That the Wholly Spirit is not doing it to be cruel, but to help you accept and move on. The fact that you could get that triggered by a situation shows the power it has to keep you stuck here. So, surrendering, thanking and being grateful can go a long way.


Upon Closing: That was fun, it was an intense walk today, but a good one. I would like to know why the sharpest turns bring the highest rewards. Maybe a nice lay in the grass and pick out cloud pictures would be just the ticket. I see a giraffe wearing a tutu, and also a snake biting its own tail. What do you see? Have an awesome day and gentle night, see ya tomorrow my precious buds. Love & Light, Riki 🌈