This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 75

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson  75


"The light has come."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi sweet ones, I've been a little under the weather lately, nothing serious just a kid friendly cold, so I am slowed down a little with our truckin along, but I am doing it to the best of my ability like everything else. It is wonderful to see your smiling faces as we get ready for a new lesson. This is one of celebration and wonder and a lot of faith. Let's get on our favorite angel costumes and after our big group hug fly with the celestial chorus as accompaniment. Just feeling the love, makes everything a whole hell of a lot better.


Prayer: Blessed Father, Please, help us to realize we are always with you, never in harm's way, and that we are one. We feel like little two year olds that fall down get themselves up, and then confidently toddle off into another wall. You are our strength to get up again for the 9 hundredth time, and to see that there is nowhere which you are not. Thank you for loving us and playing with us in the most sweetest of ways possible. Thank you for guiding us and thank you for teaching us allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "The light has come." What a wonderful acknowledgement, that the light has come. It is a confirmation, a statement. Though we may have a hard time accepting the concept, but it is true. The answer lies in the acceptance that the light is here. For many of us it produces the feeling of well that's nice, but I don't see it, I must be doing something wrong. For others of us it's learning to totally believe in it even if we are designed with these eyes not to see it. Our awakening, has come, the Light of God is at hand the second coming is upon us. I find that asking to see the light and helping me to remove any blocks that stand in the way helps a lot. I am being able as I release the resentments and grievances to grow in my ability to forgive. And as I do, I can feel the light stronger within.


Thinking it Over: Light created us like itself, God is light, God is within us. All these beautiful truths, the Course teaches us and weaves them all together so that we can gentle awaken to the truth of our light. There is a tendency to panic as we keep rolling along, and some things seem way beyond our grasp. But we try to remember every day to ask the Wholly Spirit for help to see things differently, and to be gentle with ourselves, keeping in mind that all is by design, there is no free will. What I have been focusing on is just trying to stay in the moment, not project ahead or define anything, don't write any scripts and it makes the process a lot less dramatic. What scripts are you still writing?



Tips & Tricks: Another good tip that can't be repeated often enough is to realize it is all in God's hands anyway, whether we enjoy the play or not, enjoy our experience or think life sucks, and I am gonna change this right now. The answer is all the same: it does not come from us; it comes from God. So, reaching a place of quiet acceptance is a completely necessary part of moving on to enlightenment. And it is tough to do when you think you can make things different just by desiring them. Giving up control on any level is not one of our strong suits, especially when we think we don't have any.



Upon Closing: That was out of this world. I had a complete blast, and I feel so filled with the spirit. My wings were so light and airy and they fit with perfection. The blue-green color was Heavenly, and so matched my eyes. I loved how we all glided along, hearing the beautiful music of the spheres everywhere we went. May your night be gentle and lovely and enjoy the wonderfulness of who you are. I so enjoy the company. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 74

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 74


"There is no will but God's."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Good morning my best buds, today should be a great day to call in the angels and hitch a ride on their beautiful golden wings. It will be warm, with a gentle breeze and a whole lot of love. So, let's get some awesome huggies and continue on down the line. Today's lesson has a lot of love and light to it, so we can focus on all the ins and outs of God being in charge of everything. It is so much fun to be able to hang out with you guys and just know it is by design.



Prayer: Blessed Spirit, please watch over us and help us know we are safe and help us follow along the best we can. In some ways today's lesson scares us because if everything is your will, it does make it hard to feel looked after when so much craziness has happened in our lives already. It kinda makes it look like you don't care. But, I can feel you do, and that you just want us to play with you. Please guide us along and do for us what we can't do for ourselves. Thank you for teaching us. Allways.


Workbook Lesson:  "There is no will but God's." Well, it's about darn time. When this truly started to sink in, oh man did I get pissed. I had a very heated discussion with God, and even spoke very loudly and said what kind of loving Father, makes their kid believe they have free choice, why would you lie to us this way. The answer was that He is All There Is, and God got bored of hanging out by Himself so He created a buddy to do stuff with, and just exploring and discovering would be kinda pointless for One who knows all. He made it so we thought we could create everything separate from God, but the truth is there is only the Will of God, regardless of the illusion of free will. It is by this illusion here on earth that we keep playing the game. So, when I can stay in the mindset to remember that all will is God's will, I keep thinking how it's just my Dad with me loving me on our grand adventure. It also gives me permission to just kick back and enjoy the ride, cause I can't do a darn thing about it anyway.


Thinking it Over: It is kind of a spoiler alert to realize everything we have done throughout our lives, fell in love, got dumped, got drunk, had babies, got sick was all by the design of our loving Father, who wanted to experience with us. He also had us go through these different trials and tribulations to grow us to fulfill our calling. What were some of God's choices that you would second guess? How did they help you to grow your calling?


Tips & Tricks: One of the things this lesson helped me with was to realize that since it is all by God's design the best prayer I could pray was to ask God for His Wholly will for me this day, and the power to carry that out. It has made a difference because I spend less time making illusions and stories on how I want things to be and getting grievances at people cause they are not doing things the way I want them done, because I have no will, and through acceptance of God's Will I get to feel a whole heck of a lot happier and peaceful.


Upon Closing: Wow that was amazing, angels and all. The information came in loving and fast, and I am grateful that they finally spelled it out for us. There is no free will, it is all God's Will. So, I think I need to work on my faith in God a lot more. I hope it wasn't too nuts for ya, it is definitely food for thought. In your journals you may wanna spend a little time writing about your feelings of not having free will, it can be sneaky. Have a blessed day my loves and have a restful night.

Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Monday, March 14, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 73

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 73


"I will there be light."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi buds, I am happy to report that I am feeling clearer and happier and a hell of a lot calmer. Today's lesson starts getting us to own our truth and there is a lot of power in it. Today is miracle day, so please dress up as a miracle and let's feel the love and light as we move on down the road. Oh ya, big compassionate group hug and enjoy the process with the rest of us. 


Prayer: Dear Christ please help us to get this, to create with you and not against you. Please show us how we fit, so that we don't feel so lost and alone. As we connect to your power, please guide us every step of the way, so that God's will not ours be done. Please help us to have the faith and hope necessary to hang in there and release the grievances that keep us bound. Thank you for creating us and for teaching us. Allways.


Workbook Lesson:  "I will there be light." As I see it, this lesson starts bringing about a way for us to override the dictates of the ego. We start to use our natural ability as the Son of God to create light. Here in the world, we shut ourselves off from the light, by holding on to grievances so we are reaching past the little self and as Christ are bringing in the light. It is fun cause we truly are stepping up. I think what makes this so exciting is we are doing it with authority, we are not just making things up in our minds but Willing it through the Christ Mind. I notice when I do it from that place everything fits, and I KNOW it fits. Yes, I can cover up the light and lose sight of it quickly to more grievances, but the feeling is undeniable. The more I forgive, the easier I can grab the Christ Light. This is a nice little hop, skip and jump to willing with authority. Once you have had the experience, you will feel even more motivated to stay the Course.


Thinking it Over:  Amazing isn't it, the lessons bring us into a rhythmic awareness of our situation and then slowly but surely shows us that we do have the authority within us to get out of the dark. And then proceeds to show us how. I am very grateful for this one, cause the way the last one hit me was sheer terror. With this one Christ is saying you can Will it now. With that confidence, I could do nothing, but step up with confidence. And boy, what a difference a day makes. Have you hit a dark place along the Course? How did you walk through it? What did you release?


Tips & Tricks: Let's do a basic run through to see if you are getting the most out of this experience. Please remember to do only one lesson and it's exercises a day. If you go to ACIM meetings that's great, please get as much exposure to the Course as you choose, often times it helps. But please remember to only do one complete lesson a day. If you are on lesson 66 and you got to a meeting that is discussing lesson 95 and 112 that's fine, enjoy the information, just please only do the full lesson on 66, then 67 the next day and so on. The Course experience can throw us off at different times so trying to stay as much in balance is a good plan. Healthy diet, regular exercise, rest, prayer, lesson, companionship, and gentle sleep. The more you can stay in this general routine the less loopy you can get from the mind ordering process.


Upon Closing: That was magnificent, fairy wings and all. It was so empowering except for the pixie dust in all the wrong places. We are all hangin in, and enjoying the experience. They got a "two fer" at the new age store down the street and it would be awesome to get a crystal and a new smudge stick. A little retail therapy for the soul. Thank you guys for going for it. Have a blessed night, see ya tomorrow. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Sunday, March 13, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 72

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 72


"Holding grievances is an attack on God's plan for salvation."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Happy morning my buddies another good day for hanging out together and staying close as we keep on doing the Course workbook, one lesson at a time. This one may make it to your toughy list, but we get some nice yummy ones sprinkled throughout too. I do so love the company, and please remember we are not alone, God is with us every step of the journey. Let's do our group hug and hopscotch down the road.



Prayer: Loving and peaceful Father, thank you for always being here, we get so lost and scared, and need your help. It's scary to think we are doing things that are against your plan for our salvation. We don't want to do anything that stands in the way of our awakening. Please give us the strength to keep reaching to you, and knowing you truly are in charge of our salvation and we can't screw it up. Blessed and Wholly Spirit please be with us and do for us what we can not do for ourselves. Thank you for teaching us allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "Holding grievances is an attack on God's plan for salvation." It was kinda shocking, but also in an odd way understandable. The ego wants to usurp the authority of God, so by having us make bodies and grievances and rules and feelings and resentments and bitternesses we get caught up in the drama and it keeps us trapped here, and not focused on God's way out. It sure feels like the perfect day for this lesson. Cause I am dealing with a big deep hairy old nasty one, and the more I try to turn it over and release it, the more I get it in my face, again and again. Kinda like God is saying, are you sure? Are you sure, your sure? So, I think before I get more frustrated, it would be best to surrender, just flow with it and not try to DO anything. Even call in the Wholly Spirit and beg him to help me see this differently.



Thinking it Over: I am either working towards God's plan for salvation or I'm not. My addiction to grievances is sure doing a number on my ascension plans. My teacher must be either a blessed saint or one focused and disciplined sob to give up every last resentment. It sure gives me something to shoot for. I have been working on this forgiveness business for over 40 years, the problem seems to be I let go of 10 and bring in 30 more. So, I am psyched to know why I do it, how I do it, and the way out. What grievances are you choosing to give up salvation for?



Tips & Tricks: I think the tip here is to recognize that some lessons can hit you differently than others. In my case this lesson is twisting me up like a pretzel, and when this happens, I have found that the best thing I can do is just accept it. Beating the crap out of myself, my old stand by doesn't help and just brings me to my knees. I'm not saying that for you it has to be this lesson, but that along the way there will be a lesson that will hit that core spot, and you will be its bitch within seconds. I pray that when it happens, you reach to God and your support system, and affirm that you are on the right track and don't beat yourself up, regardless of how you're feeling at the time. Also please remember it will pass, and keep forgiving and trusting in the process.


Upon Closing: Whew, I am glad this one is done for the day, I think it has been my roughest lesson this time around, but I got through it, and usually when they hit me like this, the rewards are epic. I hope your day was fun and exciting, and that I wasn't too much of a Debbie downer. Please remember to do the workbook exercises with the lesson every day, get plenty of rest and have some beautiful walks and talks with God. Love & Light, Riki 🌈