A Course in Miracles
Workbook Lesson 78
"Let miracles replace all grievances."
Interpreted by Roberta Gallop
Daily Welcome: My gentle troopers, I am so fond of you and your moxie to stay in there with me. I so enjoy are walks through the Course, and the way when we see each other, no matter what we are going through it is always big smiles all around. Today's lesson should be a nice peaceful pace and a freeing acceptance of what is. So, after a big, beautiful group hug we can get at it. Also keep in mind how you feel about your grievances, and what your plan is on releasing them. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Ascending we will go.
Prayer: Blessed Savior, I am still learning about how you fit in my life and whether I should call you God or Christ, or if it even matters what I call you. I have a feeling that what I was taught about you growing up were lies, by people that didn't know anything more about you than I did. Please teach me about you, please show me what love is, please help me to know deep inside that I am you, and as worthy of love, as the love that made me. Blessed and Wholly Spirit please guide me home. Allways.
Workbook Lesson: "Let miracles replace all grievances." This lesson seems to be just more of a confirmation and clarification of yesterday, as it gives us a directive of how to access the miracles hiding behind the grievances. The miracles are the release of memory, the letting go of what we have made and the ability to just connect to the truth of who we are. My process through this in the release of the grievances and resistances is now mind is become more ordered and is definitely become quieter, not as jumbled, There is not as much racing and worrying, and the things and thinking I would grab onto that would guarantee a bad day are not as frequent. I don't always know which memories or scripts are being released and when, but the end result is beautiful, and the peace is right there along with the miracles. Another interesting thing about this lesson is that it says all grievances, not replace most, or all but one, but that the thinking of God needs to replace all grievances. When my teacher Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne talks about his death experience brought on by the releasing of all His grievances, He also states in order to return to this world He needed to take on at least one grievance. So this is a strong reminder to me of the power of grievances.
Thinking it Over: It reminds me again to look at how much I really wanna stay here in the illusion versus how much I want to release and ascend out of the dream. I wish I could say that I do everything to awaken, but the truth is I don't do it 24/7, sometimes I hold on to the grievances and sometimes I can't get rid of them fast enough. Sometimes I enjoy the progress I am making in the Course and other times I can feel myself rummaging around in my mind for another spare illusion. How are you with your own personal ping pong match?
Tips & Tricks: As soon as you see you have a grievance or you are being critical or judgmental of someone else or yourself, it is a good time to do yourself a favor and surrender and forgive, because it is the best way of getting out of that place of separation and get one step closer to the miracles hiding right there behind them. Also please remember you always have a right to miracles, whether you think you do or not.
Upon Closing: That was an interesting walk, kinda quiet than kinda happy and laughing all over the place. I did enjoy your company immensely. I can smell the baked beans from here so let's head on over to the church potluck, I really do crave those biscuits, they are so light and flakey and buttery too. Have a gentle day and peaceful night, and remember, the exercises don't do themselves. See ya tomorrow, Love & Light, Riki 🌈