This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Friday, March 25, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 78

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 78


"Let miracles replace all grievances."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  My gentle troopers, I am so fond of you and your moxie to stay in there with me. I so enjoy are walks through the Course, and the way when we see each other, no matter what we are going through it is always big smiles all around. Today's lesson should be a nice peaceful pace and a freeing acceptance of what is. So, after a big, beautiful group hug we can get at it. Also keep in mind how you feel about your grievances, and what your plan is on releasing them. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Ascending we will go.



Prayer: Blessed Savior, I am still learning about how you fit in my life and whether I should call you God or Christ, or if it even matters what I call you. I have a feeling that what I was taught about you growing up were lies, by people that didn't know anything more about you than I did. Please teach me about you, please show me what love is, please help me to know deep inside that I am you, and as worthy of love, as the love that made me. Blessed and Wholly Spirit please guide me home. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "Let miracles replace all grievances." This lesson seems to be just more of a confirmation and clarification of yesterday, as it gives us a directive of how to access the miracles hiding behind the grievances. The miracles are the release of memory, the letting go of what we have made and the ability to just connect to the truth of who we are. My process through this in the release of the grievances and resistances is now mind is become more ordered and is definitely become quieter, not as jumbled, There is not as much racing and worrying, and the things and thinking I would grab onto that would guarantee a bad day are not as frequent. I don't always know which memories or scripts are being released and when, but the end result is beautiful, and the peace is right there along with the miracles. Another interesting thing about this lesson is that it says all grievances, not replace most, or all but one, but that the thinking of God needs to replace all grievances.  When my teacher Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne talks about his death experience brought on by the releasing of all His grievances, He also states in order to return to this world He needed to take on at least one grievance. So this is a strong reminder to me of the power of grievances.



Thinking it Over: It reminds me again to look at how much I really wanna stay here in the illusion versus how much I want to release and ascend out of the dream. I wish I could say that I do everything to awaken, but the truth is I don't do it 24/7, sometimes I hold on to the grievances and sometimes I can't get rid of them fast enough. Sometimes I enjoy the progress I am making in the Course and other times I can feel myself rummaging around in my mind for another spare illusion. How are you with your own personal ping pong match?



Tips & Tricks: As soon as you see you have a grievance or you are being critical or judgmental of someone else or yourself, it is a good time to do yourself a favor and surrender and forgive, because it is the best way of getting out of that place of separation and get one step closer to the miracles hiding right there behind them. Also please remember you always have a right to miracles, whether you think you do or not.


Upon Closing: That was an interesting walk, kinda quiet than kinda happy and laughing all over the place. I did enjoy your company immensely. I can smell the baked beans from here so let's head on over to the church potluck, I really do crave those biscuits, they are so light and flakey and buttery too. Have a gentle day and peaceful night, and remember, the exercises don't do themselves. See ya tomorrow, Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Thursday, March 24, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 77

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 77


"I am entitled to miracles."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Oh Yeah, hi my sweeties, I always love seeing those smiling faces and eager eyes, having you with me means everything. As we move on down the road today, let's put out the intention of sweeping away the crap, so we can bring us in some miracles. There are no degree of difficulties in miracles, they are all awesome and just what I need when I need it the most. So, big group hug and let's keep on keepin on, together, shall we.



Prayer: Gentle Spirit, please guide us. You who are so loving and kind, please show us how to find the blocks we create so we can release them and enjoy the miracles right there behind them. Please grant us the strength to keep going forward even when our heads seem to be talking nonsense and the light is a bit far off. Please help us to know you are with us always and that as we let go we feel you more and more. Thank you for healing us, and thank you for teaching us. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "I am entitled to miracles." It is a wonderful thing to realize that miracles aren't just nice things we can wish for or pray for, but that we have a right to them. The changes in our perceptions that will bring about correct thinking belong to us. That basically means as we keep surrendering our old ways of thinking to God, we leave room for the true thinking hiding behind the conflicts to arise and we see clearer. We can be restored to remembering our true state of oneness and be able to know the World as God intended. We can know joy and peace and we will no longer feel conflicted, because there will be no separation. We will bypass the idea of the "knowledge of good and evil" that creates all illusion of free will and separation, and we will know ourselves as the one Son of God.



Thinking it Over: So, looking at this from a different angle, one of the biggest issues I have now is, yes I am entitled to miracles, but because of seeing myself from the perspective of being a worthless, pathetic loser, the last thing I would do is believe I have a right to anything, especially since I screwed things up so badly, and God hates me and doesn't have a use for me. And since God is a cruel nasty so and so, He really wouldn't give me miracles because I don't deserve them. Why would he waste his time on me? Sound familiar? It is our illusions, the stories we tell ourselves, what we believe about ourselves that keep us from seeing the light, knowing the miracles that are ours for the taking. I am innocent, my thinking has been wrong. I surrender and forgive the lies I believed about myself and know God and I are one. What stories do you tell yourself? Can you allow miracles in your life?



Tips & Tricks: These are the lessons that define your being A student of the Course, it is clear you are not here by accident and have the desire and ability to stick with it. Ya, sometimes we slow down a little on the lessons, but we keep going back to them no matter what. We don't beat ourselves up, we pray to God for the willingness to continue and then read the next lesson, do the exercises and give yourself a big pat on the back for hangin in there. Remember, we will all go through the mind ordering at some time, so it's nice to just go for it in your own time. When you feel ready, and besides, being in a clear state of love and peace feels good.


Upon Closing: That was a beautiful little jog down the road with my buddies. Sometimes it feels like the Course will try and come at something one way, and then will shift it up and come at things from a different way. But I always feel loved and supported by God and my buddies, so I have the warm fuzzies to move on. Please enjoy a gentle night my lovelies and we will be back at it tomorrow. Love & Light, Riki 🌈

Monday, March 21, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 76


"I am under no laws but God's."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi guys, I have missed you wicked, I so love our merry little band of adventurers, all the hugs and high fives and loving company I can get. Let's feel the freedom of love without borders and be in our comfy gear as we move on down the road to enlightenment, most definitely together. And at a good leisurely stroll. Big hugs around and let's play.


Prayer: My blessed Savior, sometimes the way gets narrow and heavy, please grant us the light and faith to hang in there ad know we are surrounded and filled with your love, and that we are never alone, even though sometimes it looks like and feels like it. Please wrap us in a big blanket of you and show us how beautiful we really are. When I feel little, what feels the best is to know I am dreaming and I am really happy in the garden with you. Thank you for guiding us, and thank you for teaching us. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "I am under no laws but God's." As humans here on earth we so love our rules, or boxes and our rights and wrongs. So, when this lesson comes up it is to remind us that all the laws we fight for and fight against are not of God. Even right to the first breath we breathe, we are either placed in the boy box, girl box, or the wtf box. And the corresponding color that comes with it. Our name is usually assigned by which box your body has put you in, and then we are either taught to play with dolls or dinosaurs. It's kinda easy cause when others know which box you are assigned to they play along too and give you dresses, pants, pink this blue that and so on, including movies, songs and even stuffed animals and even which sports ad careers you will have. So, our laws start out as soon as we show up. Actually with ultrasound and designer embryos even way before we show up. What a relief it is to know that it is series of illusions and only God is in charge of our salvation.



Thinking it Over: Not to mention the other billions of manmade laws we are supposed to adhere to. Like feeding the body, healing the body, procreating to make other bodies. Having a shelter for the body and the list goes on and on. God wants us to love Him and in recognition of our light within we are saved. It was a wonderful moment when I recognized that by releasing and forgiving myself and all the silly laws I have made and believed I see the light more and more. What laws were assigned to you?



Tips & Tricks: Sometimes we have a tendency to slow down to almost a crawl with the Course and when that happens, please don't give up, just accept where you are, relax and ask the Wholly Spirit for the strength to keep going and to be gentle with ourselves. Because if we have reached a place of resistance, and then we resist our resistance and we have a bunch more than when we started. So, by just flowing and dealing with what is, we don't get too far off course. Having an established routine is so healthy for this because it keeps us on an even keel. A blessed gentle bedtime routine, remembering to pray and connect to God, then upon awakening spend times with God some more, read our daily workbook lesson do the exercises, have a healthy breakfast and then continue on with your day. Stay as positive and open as you can.


Upon Closing: That felt so good, to put as little pressure on ourselves and just let life happen. A day of no pressure and just plenty of love. I feel like skinny dippin in the creek and I don't plan on swimming alone, so last one in is grandpa's old hairnet. Blessed night my beautiful buddies, let's rest dream and enjoy the scenery and let go of as many manufactured rules and regs as possible. Hugs and more hugs. Love & Light, Riki 🌈