This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 81

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 81


"Review of Lessons 61 – 62"


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi my buddies and fellow explorers, another day another lesson all beautiful and full of love, like us. I am right here for ya, a little slow and a little weary, but we are all one, and I so enjoy our togetherness, our bonding. I hope your night was peaceful and that the Course is helping you in the ways you most need it. Big hugs all around as we go for it another awesome day.



Prayer: Blessed and Wholly Spirit, thank you for always being with us and showing us that we truly are not alone. The desire to awaken is strong in us, but this whole thing of taking spiritual frequencies and distorting them into our fantasies is something we truly do need help with. Please help us learn to release and forgive our pattern of living, so we can just go with the flow of who we truly are. Thank you for loving us and showing us our world differently. Thank you for teaching us, allways.


Workbook Lesson:  "Review of Lessons 61 – 62"


"I am the light of the world" – It is such a wonderful reminder of who I am, and that my function is to bring light to this dark world of illusion that we are in. On the other side of the illusion, we are light, and on this side of the illusion we are light for that matter, we just are not as in touch with it. The split in our minds causes us to see and focus on separation. The illusion is of having a self and the ability to choose whatever we want whenever we want. So, it is wonderful as we start recognizing more and more the light we are connected to.


"Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world." – My function here is to dispel the darkness and the way I do that is to surrender and release the grievances through the process of forgiveness, not just forgiving the situation, but forgiving and forgetting the situation to the point of having no memory or connection to it at all. Like a spiritual pacman, yum, yum, yum.



Thinking it Over: Another set of reviews, I like them better with the 2 format instead of the 5, cause it's like smelling 2 flowers at once instead of 5, I get a more distinctive bouquet and a better understanding of how the lessons blend together. These blend together very nicely, reminding me I am a bringer of light to the world through my ability to forgive. Definitely a message I don't think of often enough. I do know when I make a steady diet of forgiveness, I feel a whole hellava lot better. So as fellow light bearers, what do you do to bring in the light? Have you made a habit of forgiveness?



Tips & Tricks: Sometimes it's Important to just take a spa day, slow down and smell the roses, still do your lesson and exercises, but treat yourself with extra love and respect. Please remember that A Course in Miracles is developed to train our minds, so we can release the world we have created and at last see who we truly are as the Son of God. In the process of this, I have a tendency to get squirrelly and unsure of exactly what is goin on, I believe in the process, so doing what needs to be done as gentle as possible is a must, and it does help to reach to the Wholly Spirit as much as possible, so we don't feel alone on the journey. If you are journaling it can be helpful to look back on your earlier entries and see how much you are learning and growing, cause as we go forward with the Course day to day, we don't always see it.


Upon Closing: That was a pleasant jaunt, the birds singing, the butterflies, fluttering everywhere, and a real sense of all is well. I have found the best way to do the Course, is simply to do the Course, without expectations of what will happen and why, just that God's driving and that's all that matters, cause He knows where we are going. Have a blessed night and we will go for it again tomorrow. Love & Light, Riki 🌈