This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

A Course in Miracles “Workbook Lesson 88”

A Course in Miracles

"Workbook Lesson 88"


"Review of Lessons 75 – 76"


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Good morning my sweet buds. Another day on the path to enlightenment and mental ordering. It doesn't hurt too much unless I wander off the path and get prickers in my feet, then it hurts like hell and reminds me why I started on the path in the first place. So, lets get that big yummy group hug and move on down the road, going for it one more time.



Prayer: My blessed and gentle Father, thank you for remembering that I don't always understand, that many times I get lost along the way, and though you created the game, I walk up in the middle of it and I get scared and confused so easily. I want to know, I want to understand, I want to serve you in all the ways you have made me too. Please guide me to awaken and see the truth, the love, and the peace that you have created me to be. Thank you for teaching me, thank you for thinking of me. Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "Review of Lessons 75 – 76"


"The light has come." – Allowing ourselves to know the light is our true nature, and that it is here truly within us is huge. I can tell the light has come by the thoughts I have in my mind. Or maybe more actually the things I don't have in my mind. The world I see. The way I see it is so nuts, because it is a huge bag of playdough called the Wholly Spiritual Universe that can be molded into to any shape or reality I want it to be. I the little self, am just unaware of most of it, the fun is in creating the endless possibilities with my dad.


"I am under no laws but God's." – And there ya have it, we are all part of God experiencing Himself through us, His Son Christ. So, the silly things we put our faith in here, like work hard, have a family, go to college, have the right stuff, do the right things, don't seem to measure up to a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things, because only God's laws count, regardless of the stuff I was raised with.



Thinking it Over: The illusion of free will is an absolute bugger, we can make copies, ideas, even really good ones, and we can seem to be so brilliant and amazing on paper. But the truth is there are laws (Constants) that were created by God, so no matter what we wanna do, it all has to follow a set pattern that most of us down here are not aware of whatsoever. It kinda reminds me of my parents saying "this is for your own good" and then when I grew up and my kids were real little I would put things on high shelves, and even give them plastic things to play with instead of metal, so they would come to no harm. When I think of God's laws, I think of being safe and secure, no matter what it looks like. What are ways that you can see that God's laws protect you?



Tips & Tricks: A good tip is to make the exploring of the Course lessons as open and undefined as possible, just to show up to play regardless of what it says or how it feels or especially what I think about it. It has been my experience that some of my ducks get in a row willingly and others have to be coaxed to understand a little bit, but the more I can keep a neutral stance the easier the process is over all. And also, my usual reminder to be kind to yourself, remembering to get adequate everything. Time for connecting with Wholly Spirit, and an equal balance of sleep, relaxing, exercise and diet, community.


Upon Closing: My fellow students and adventurers, I so love this Course and the beautiful ways it shows me our oneness, and our dedication to the truth. I love writing these posts because I feel like it's my chance to contribute by encouraging and guiding along the way. Please know we are all together and we are never alone. Have a blessed night and I'll see ya in the morning.  Love & Light, Riki 🌈