This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Friday, August 12, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 92

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 92


"Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Blessed day my fellow student buddies. I love ACIM and I love sharing my love of it, studying, and experiencing the splendor and artistry of it together. There is a sense of community when it comes to the Course that really helps me blossom. This workbook lesson brings out so much happiness I can't wait to get started down the path today. Big group hug and our best foots forward moving like we knew God was guiding our every step, because It is. We can have this as "fuzzy slipper day", it will make everything just that little bit more yummy. Hugs all around.



Prayer: Blessed Wholly Spirit, please help me to awaken and please guide me every step of the way, many times I get so confused and start beating up on myself for no apparent reason at all. I just become overwhelmed with self-hate and rage sometimes and I have a hard time feeling you at all. Please during those times help me to know I am not alone, even though I feel very alone and unloved. Thank you for teaching me to know the truth and guiding me to at – one – ment. You are with us allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one."


This brings me to thinking about the strength of God, and how I see strength. I see strength as the ability to handle anything, anytime, anywhere, and it makes me feel warm and fluffy to realize that God's light also brings that sense of confidence within me of all things. Like the expression I grew up with, "God's in His Heaven and all's right with the world." In the process of my searching for "The Truth" I came to see light in many ways, like a magical energy that permeates everything, but I can't really see it or comprehend it, I can only sense it in an undefinable flowing sort of way. So, to know that the strength I feel within, is God, helps me know I am doing it "right" after all, that God really didn't forget me and that I really am loved after all.



Thinking it Over: So, what this is basically saying to me is when I feel strong, I am in the light of God, and I am connected to miracles. Probably overly simplified a tad, but just to know that I can receive miracles is one itself. When I get deep into a beating myself up session, I get so disheartened and feel so little and helpless, and truly screwed up, the last thing I believe I can have is a much needed breath of fresh air. That complete and total change in attitude that brings a beautiful shift and lots more light. Where do you see the miracles? Where do you need the light?



Tips & Tricks: My biggest tip for today, is to go with the flow no matter what. No matter how you feel, no matter what you think, no matter how uncomfortable it gets, no matter how scared you get, just hang in and know God's got it, God's allways got it and all is well. Just allowing yourself to be, will make all the difference in the world and out of it. Most of what I find myself dealing with is old programming, the identity I have given myself, so as much as I can dissolve that identity through releasing resentments and forgiving, the sooner I start becoming aware of who I truly am, the Christ Consciousness within me. The Course will work your mind itself if you let it, by just hanging in there and keepin on keepin on.


Upon Closing: What a wonderful sweet, little cushy journey down that pretty road. I allways feel so refreshed and filled with our love. I think a quick dunk in the creek is just what is called for now, or maybe paddling downstream in a canoe and remembering the beauty of God in all things, and smile. Have a gentle and restful day and a peaceful night, love & Light, Riki 🌈