This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 94

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 94


"I am as God created me."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hail my Beloved Travel Buddies, it is so wonderful to know I am not alone in this, that there are other seekers like myself and that we all grow together because we are of one mind. It makes it fun to move on down the road with you guys, continuing to learn, question and expand.  So, time for that wonderous big group hug as we make a mad dash for the path to enlightenment.



Prayer: My loving Father, please help me to keep my focus regardless how stupid and chaotic it gets below the veil. Please help me to know the truth and to accept that I am as you have made me, especially when the thoughts in my mind tell me otherwise. Please help me to see that it is possible to still be experiencing the role you would have me play and be awakened to the Christ Consciousness of which I am. May your Wholly Spirit guide me every step of the way and to realize it is all in your plan. Thank you for teaching us, Allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "I am as God created me." – For me this is one of those subtle little lessons that has spoken volumes to me. I have learned over the years to become a real expert at self-condemnation, beating and putting myself down for everything, believing myself to be "lower than whale shit". So, to stumble on (not by accident) this lesson was a miracle all in itself. I have always believed in God, in some way shape or form and most of my life have truly thought, I had let God down. I have never really been sure how or why, I just knew that I had screwed up a lot and God was putting up with me the best He could. So, to realize God made me this way, that there is nothing wrong with me, and I am exactly as designed, has been a big load off my heart and mind. I had been taught to look at things in a screwy way, but it didn't mean I was screwy, just the thinking was.



Thinking it Over: This lesson though simple has taken years to get in there, to understand that I have done nothing wrong, and never have and the more I just release, forgive, and accept that as truth, the more I actually see it and believe it. I am amazed how strong the old programming runs through my head though. There are some nights I wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning with such fear and self-hate running through me that I feel lost and confused, and sometimes can't even feel God. But as I relax and ask the Wholly Spirit to help me see things differently, I do feel the peace of God and am comforted. How do you get to the other side of fear and judgement?



Tips & Tricks: When I think about another tidbit that has served me well, the idea of "getting still" comes to mind. I find that is much as I can just remember that I am in unreality and that it is all illusion, and then go that extra mile to start thinking about the "Christ Consciousness" that I truly am, the judgements I have made on myself start going away and I begin to remember the truth of that I am exactly as I am supposed to be, because God made me this way. Sometimes I will tell myself that I am confused and I don't really know what is going on, but God does and it truly is OK.


Upon Closing: Another awesome lesson, one of those touchy feel good ones. It allways leaves me refreshed and happy to be a student of The Course. You guys are definitely my cherry on top, cause we have such exciting adventures and get to play like the little kids we are. The best thing about being as God made me is I can't screw it up, even though I think I can. So, I think I wanna do a little skinny dippen in the creek and just let it all hang out. Last one in is last month's meatloaf. Remember to be gentle, rest well, and enjoy the process.

 Love & Light, Riki 🌈