A Course in Miracles
Workbook Lesson 105
"God's peace and joy are mine."
Interpreted by Roberta Gallop
Daily Welcome: My sweet and gorgeous buddies and fellow students, I so cherish our time together. Another fun filled day of hand holding and tiptoeing through the tulips. Sometimes these lessons get a little challenging and it's just really nice to know loving support goes with me. We are not alone. Let's have that big beautiful group hug and move on down the road.
Prayer: Blessed and Wholly Spirit, please guide me along in my process of forgiving and releasing what I have made. Please comfort me along the way as I reach to light. This uncovery process can leave me feeling alone and sometimes actually desperate. Please show me a different way to see that I may know the truth and feel God's love and joy. Thank you for your guidance and awesome way of reaching inside me and warming my heart and calming my mind allways.
Workbook Lesson: "God's peace and joy are mine." – This lesson floats in so slow and easy. I see this cluster of lessons like navigating a really sharp hairpin turn being ever so careful you don't fall off the cliff of self-destruction, or basically just say "f" it and leave. God's peace and joy is what I've searched for my entire life, that's all I know is the searching of it. The finding it, and flourishing with it is soooo different. You know it really does come down to what I'm thinking and when I'm thinking it, because when I'm surrendering and forgiving I can get to a place that is peaceful and joyful. I have no angry or any negative, or even usually positive thought I just have a sense of well-being and love. I pray to the Holy Spirit a lot to help me stay vigilant as the thoughts keep creeping in so I can release them, because if I don't it turns into a crazy zoo real quick and gratitude just flies right out the window. This thought dismantling process takes time and I am willing to stick it out second by second, minute by minute. What I find interesting is I can actually have hours or chunks of time when I'm just sitting quietly in God's love and peace. It's worth it because I know it's working, and I'm so grateful to my teacher Rev Devan, for taking the time to show me and help me along the way. For some a teacher may not be necessary, but for me it's the absolute difference between day and night. The who I am, from the who I was, are light years apart and I give complete credit to El, ACIM and the Reverend and the way he teaches.
Thinking it Over: This is a wonderful chance to really think it over and to be willing to claim that peace and joy that belongs to me. I think willing is key here, because if it was something I could have done all by myself I would have done it a long time ago. So, willingness brings me to that place of I don't see it, but I'm ready and open to be guided there. Being resistant was a no brainer cause I was taught I could have all kinds of things but not peace or joy, that was only for people who deserved it. You know the good ones, that had it all going on. Can you be willing? Can you be open-minded?
Tips & Tricks: Today, we focus on the tip of acceptance. This is the phase where we just let everything be. Not seeing it as good or bad, right or wrong and so on, but just basically not seeing it at all. Releasing and forgiving to the point of not anything. Accepting what is because it is. I am on earth, I am female, I am old etc. Becomes I AM. Because there is ultimately nothing left to be.
Upon Closing: Another deep and revealing lesson, I loved today's gentle and easy walk. There was so much happiness and peace. Let's sit here for a while and make cloud pictures. A little apple cider and crackers would hit the spot too. Thanks for hanging in here with me as we discover the truth together. Please remember to get rest, do your lessons and enjoy the process.
Love & Light, Riki 🌈
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