This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 106

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 106


"Let me be still and listen to the truth."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi and welcome to another fun filled day in the neighborhood. Missing a lesson is like a day without sunshine. I so enjoy the company along the way, and I am grateful for your commitment to move forward with your awakening. Sometimes it just feels like I have a million things I can be doing that would feel better and less scary. But I can tell ya there are none more rewarding than having the deep peace that comes from moving forward in the right direction especially with other like-minded people. I appreciate all of you and I love the company so much. Let's have a pokemon dress-up day.  Get all dolled up in your favorite character (mine's Ditto). Big hug and move on down the road. I find learning to be with my true self is probably one of the most terrifying yet rewarding things I can do. No bull, just God.



Prayer: Dear Father, please show me the way home. I get so weary, and the way seems so long. I know I am already there with you, but when I can't see it, things get awful lonely, and I feel so lost and little. Please send your Wholly Spirit to help me, to guide me through the maze of craziness in my head. I know you, feel you, want you and need you more than anything, the way just seems so clear and uncertain. Please guide me deep within to know the truth, in the stillness only  you can provide. I love you my Divine Creator, and want only to go home. Thank you for being with me allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "Let me be still and listen to the truth." Such a simple and humble lesson. Reminding us that we make our world with the thoughts we think, and when we are able to resist nothing and release and forgive everything, we will hear the truth and know the love of God. Like many of my simple lessons it can take lots and lots of practice. But I find each time it gets a little easier as my mind becomes more ordered. I believe the skill of meditation can be very helpful but unfortunately for myself when the word meditation comes up my mind goes into instant resistance. It's like trying to get a little kid to eat spinach. I find when I sit quietly even if I'm doodling it becomes easier to become still, like sneaking the spinach in with ice cream or something.



Thinking it Over: I find being vigilant is an important skill when it comes to quieting my mind, watching my thoughts come in and go out like the tide. Staying as neutral as possible is a big help too. And then when I get resistant and caught up in certain thoughts, forgive them and let them go with the Holy Spirit's help, until I am in a neutral accepting space again. In this space the truth really does rise to the surface, and I know God. What is your truth?  What is blocking you from it?



Tips & Tricks: Back to the importance of being balanced in your life. Remembering to allow enough time for sleep and slowing down. Eating healthy is another place that is important, not just all sweets, but not just all good stuff either. Getting in walks and different forms of exercise, allowing yourself to just be. And also time for your studies, your commitments, and social stuff too. I found out the importance of staying balanced when doing the Course, because some of the lessons and my resistance to them would throw me for a loop and the more I felt centered the quicker I would come back into focus.


Upon Closing: That was an exciting and invigorating walk down the road. I think Ditto brings out the best in me, this lesson isn't too shabby either. I believe it's skinny dippin time again in the creek as I enjoy this happy hum I got going on. Feel free to join me, the water's fine and God's love is everywhere. Sometimes the best place for me to find stillness is in the business of life being life. Have a blessed day my friends and remember you are never alone. Take good care.

 Love & Light. Riki 🌈

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