This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 107

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 107


"Truth will correct all errors in my mind."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hey, my spiritual sweeties, it's awesome to see you once again as we take on another day of walking on down the road. It feels so nice to be accepted and supported, cause doin it alone is such a yucky feeling. Big hugs around, get your hiking gear on, and let's go for it. Learning, singing, humming, smiling, and jiggling together all the way. I love you guys.



Prayer: Blessed Spirit, please help me to know the truth. I have got myself so confused, I am realizing I don't know anything. Please teach me, please show me the real world in all its glory. Please show me the way to clarity, to see the world as it truly is. I need you, I get so scared, lost and lonely. Please guide me home. Thank you. I need you allways.



Workbook Lesson:  "Truth will correct all errors in my mind." – This lesson for me is one of those pivot point places. It reminds me I could have had a V-8. That the sooner I become open to the truth and stop imagining and defining my reality the sooner my thinking will be corrected.  This is the place for me where it really pays off to be aware of the thoughts that are in my mind, and when I find one or two or 1000 that are taking me all over the place. To just stop Relax, breathe and be open to releasing and forgiving the mindset to the point of acceptance of what it is, is. The more I can stay neutral and not define things as good or bad, write or wrong, the more I can just be free to hear the thoughts of God within me. What He has designed me to be, what He would have me do, where He would have me go.  This lesson has a lot of moving parts, one of the things that stands out is that my mind's not thinking clear. That I've got some screwed up thinking in there. Again, it's not a bad thing or a good thing it's just a thing, it's the way God chose for us to experience. For without the split thinking, the ego mind, I wouldn't be able to experience anything here at all, because the split creates the illusion of the world. This way I get to play with God the way He intended.



Thinking it Over: So now the question becomes, since I know the problem is my crazy thinking. How do I find out what is the truth? I think this is a place where meditation has really been able to get me in there so I can bypass my runaway mind. The more I can forgive release and accept what is not my true nature. It leaves space for my true nature to shine in all over the place. What is the truth? What is keeping you from it?



Tips & Tricks: The biggest tip I can think of today is to stay in your own lane.  I know, that sounds kinda counterintuitive. How can I find oneness and stay in my own separate lane at the same time? I find for myself once I've been doing the course for a few months, I start getting into a rhythm with it. I go to the lesson first thing when I get up in the morning, and then set up my reminders so I will remember to focus at the times I need too.  Then continuing on with my day and remembering to have my spirit time again at night. As the lessons work on my mind I tend to expand and contract all over the place and this simple little routine keeps me on track, so I don't get into resistance and stop doing them for a while.


Upon Closing: Yay, we got a bit further on the path to enlightenment today. I loved the oneness of purpose and the determination. You guys make all the difference for me, you give me strength and purpose when I can't seem to find it myself. You guys make it so giving up isn't an option. Let's head on over to the church supper, it's been awhile and I am jonesing for those biscuits and gravy all over the place. See ya again for next lesson, have a blessed night.

Love & Light,

Riki 🌈

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