This blog title, “Lights to Heaven,” shows the power in illuminating the way to remembering who we are, and witnesses to my belief in and devotion to "A Course in Miracles", and my dedication to teaching it and commitment to following it. The essays I am guided to share are unscripted, and my interpretation of the workbook lessons of ACIM are part of my curriculum in becoming a Certified Teacher of Teachers of ACIM. Please share, love, and enjoy the miracle.

Friday, January 6, 2023

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 99

A Course in Miracles

Workbook Lesson 99


" Salvation is my only function here."


Interpreted by Roberta Gallop


Daily Welcome:  Hi my friends and buddies, I must confess I just went through the biggest scare, I had this blog post all ready to go pushed the wrong button and it was gone. After some careful reading on the help section I was able to save over half of it, be grateful and move on down the road. Kinda like what we're gonna do after that big group hug, which is oh so yummy. I just saw it as God's way of asking me, how much do you really want it? It's a good day for moving on down that road, and I'll see you on the other side.


Prayer: Dear God, whoever you are, however you are. I love you, I haven't figured it all out yet, I'm probably not supposed to know until I actually do and that may be a while. I think recognizing that it's not up to me anyway is half the battle. Please guide me along the way, show me what I need to know, teach me what I need to do,  and help me to remember I'm never alone. Thank you, Allways.



Workbook Lesson:   " Salvation is my only function here." - I love it when the lessons fit like hand in glove. In the last lesson we learned that God does have a plan for getting us out of this pickle we find ourselves in, and in this lesson, we learned that that plan has to do with salvation. I'm starting to learn slowly over time that salvation has to do with forgiveness, so forgiveness is the only reason I'm here, it's that get out of jail free card. I find that forgiveness can be real elusive at times depending on where I am in my awakening process. When I first started focusing on forgiveness I thought it was like a magic wand, I would feel in a bad space about something, I knew I was in resistance, and I would just say forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, like I was clicking my heels three times and expecting it to be gone. I've since discovered it's really not that easy, but I can reach a point of recognizing my resistance, releasing it on a deep level to God, and forgiving myself. That usually brings acceptance which goes a long way in this Salvation process.



Thinking it Over:  I love how this lesson says it's my only function, because when it comes to living here on Earth I feel like I've been taught that I have many functions. I need to be a good girl for my parents, I need to go to school so I can learn and have a career, I need to grow up and get married and have children and be a good wife and mother. I need to be kind to everyone I see. I need to look a certain way, act a certain way, and teach others to act a certain way. And now I find out all these years later that is not so, my only function is to forgive and release. What were you taught were your functions? How do you think you are supposed to act in the world?



Tips & Tricks: This tip goes to trying to kick back and let God do the heavy lifting. It becomes so easy for me to get caught up in every aspect of my life, trying to control things to the way I think they're supposed to be. Being mad at her because she doesn't see things the same way I think she should, vowing to never ever go to see them again because they don't understand me. Not wanting to buy this product or that product because they believe in things that I don't agree with, and the list goes on and on add infinitum. So, when I'm able to get in a space where I can recognize that this is all by design, that God really does have it all mapped out for me, and all I need to do is to act like I believe that, it makes things a whole lot easier. So, I guess the trick here is to not second guess the process and just let it play out the way it is going to, whether I understand it or not.


Upon Closing: This was an interesting one, I walked down the path, and then lost part of the path, had to come back and walk down it again, but it's all good cause I was with you guys. I know that the Course is kind of an individual inside job, but it sure doesn't hurt to have love and support along the way. I'm glad you guys are in my life, we've made it a little further in this mind ordering expedition. Let's kick back and just enjoy the beauty of what is. Have a blessed day, gentle sleep and I'll see you tomorrow.   Love and Light Riki 🌈